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Human Resources Department

Sonoma County Prosecutors’ Association (SCPA)

2023 - 2026 SCPA Memorandum of Understanding: Appendix E: Side Letter Agreement

Appendix E - Side Letter Agreement RE: Pension Reopener




April 21, 2023


This side letter of agreement by and between the County of Sonoma ("County") and the Sonoma County Prosecutors’ Attorneys (“Association”), hereinafter collectively called "the parties,” confirm the parties agree to reopen negotiations as follows:

On or before April 30, 2024, the County and the Union agree to reopen negotiations on the following MOU sections and subjects:

  • MOU Section 11.2 (County Contribution Toward Retiree Medical Plans – Employees Hired Before January 1, 2009);
  • MOU Section 17.2.3 (Retirement – Employees Hired On or Before December 31, 2012 or Qualified for Pension Reciprocity; Required Employee Contribution); and
  • MOU Section 17.2.4 (Retirement – Employees Hired On or Before December 31, 2012 or Qualified for Pension Reciprocity; Employee Cost Share – 50% of Normal Cost).

In addition, as part of the reopener, the County and Union agree to discuss and compare the difference in total compensation between legacy and PEPRA employees. Any agreement resulting from discussion of this issue will comply with the Public Employee Pension Reform Act, and specifically Government Code Section 7522.10(g).

The County and the Union understand and agree that as part of reopener negotiations under this section, either party may offer counter-proposals on terms and conditions of employment outside the scope of the reopener sections and subjects listed above.  The parties further understand and agree that by agreeing to this reopener, the County is under no obligation to implement any changes to the bargaining unit’s terms and conditions of employment, but that both parties will meet and confer in good faith as defined by State law regarding all proposals and counter-proposals submitted by the parties during the reopener negotiations.

This side letter is subject to and will be in effect during the term of the successor MOU.


__________________________________________            __________________________

County Signature                                                               Date


__________________________________________            __________________________

Association Signature                                                       Date

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