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Human Resources Department

Sonoma County Prosecutors’ Association (SCPA)

2023 - 2026 SCPA Memorandum of Understanding: Article 20: Agency Shop Service Fee

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What’s on this Page:

  • 20.1 Authorization for Union Dues Deduction
  • 20.2 Payroll Deductions / Authorizations
  • 20.3 Notice of New Employees
  • 20.4 New Employee Orientation
  • 20.5 Development and Incorporation of Law

Read Next: Article 21: Full Performance

20.1 Authorization for Union Dues Deduction

Certification of Authorization for Dues Deduction 

All employees in the Bargaining Unit represented by the Union may voluntarily join the Union and pay dues, initiation fees and general assessments, as well as payment of any other Union membership benefit program sponsored by the Union (hereafter referred to as “payroll deductions”) as determined by the Union. It is the responsibility of the Union to maintain a record of employees who have given their written consent to join and pay dues to the Union.  The Union will certify to the County the names of employees who have given their written consent and the amount of such payroll deductions to be deducted.

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20.2 Payroll Deductions / Authorizations

The County agrees to deduct the periodic payroll deductions from the paycheck of each employee who the Union certifies as authorizing the deduction.  All sums deducted by the County will be remitted to the Union in an expedient manner at the intervals requested by the Union, together with the names of each employee for whom a deduction was made.

The County will implement any change to an employee’s payroll deductions in the first full pay period following notification of such change by the Union.

If an employee member in the bargaining unit desires to revoke, cancel or change prior dues deduction authorization, he/she will direct that request to the Union.  Any such dues deduction revocation, cancellation and/or change will be effectuated by the County only after the Union provides the County with written direction for such revocation, cancellation and/or change.

The Union will indemnify and hold the County harmless for any claims and/or damages arising from claims by employees resulting from such deductions.

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20.3 Notice of New Employees

As applied to Article 20 of this document, a new employee is defined as any employee who is entering service as a represented classification from any other status: initial hire, transition from Extra Help, transfer from another department, or any other transition in employment status that brings their classification into a represented classification or status.

The following provisions will apply regarding notice of new employees:

  1. The County shall provide the Association with the names and addresses of new employees each pay period.
  2. Association officers shall be authorized to receive the names and addresses of new employees each pay period from the departmental payroll clerk.
  3. The names and addresses provided the Association shall be kept confidential.

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20.4 New Employee Orientation

  1. The County shall notify new employees represented by the Union that the Union is the recognized employee organization for the employee’s classification. Within 30 days of hire into an SCPA Bargaining Unit, the Union shall have the opportunity to make a 30-minute presentation at each new employee orientation program presented by the County Human Resources Department. The County shall notify the Union of an employee orientation at least ten (10) calendar days in advance, except that a shorter notice may be provided in specific instance where there is an urgent need critical to the County’s operations that was not reasonably foreseeable. In addition, the County shall provide the Union an electronic list of expected participants at least 72 hours in advance of the employee orientation. Each new employee shall receive a copy electronically or in paper, of the Union’s standard introductory packet copies of which shall be provided by the Union, It shall be the Unions choice of the type of delivery.
  2. The County shall provide the Union a copy of the sign-in sheet, including the Bargaining Unit, within five (5) business days after each new employee orientation program presented by the County Human Resources Department.
  3. Within 90 days of hire into the SCPA Bargaining Unit, an employee who does not attend the orientation program presented by the County Human Resources Department, upon Union request shall be authorized for County release time to attend a 30-minute make-up session with the Union during regular working hours onsite.
  4. One Union designee shall be granted 30 minutes County release time plus reasonable release time for necessary travel to present on the Union’s behalf at the orientation program presented by the County Human Resources Department or make-up sessions.
  5. County management / designees shall be absent from the room during any orientation program or make-up sessions conducted by the Union with employees.

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20.5 Development and Incorporation of Law

In the event any portion of the California Government Code is amended to address the transfer of monies between the Association and the County, the parties will reopen this Section of the MOU to meet and confer regarding the change in law. The parties incorporate by reference the provisions of Government Code Sections 1150-1157.12.

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