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County Administrator's Office

Sonoma County Cannabis Program

Original Jurisdiction

On December 17, 2019, the Board of Supervisors identified nineteen (19) cannabis use permit applications for original jurisdiction. The Board of Supervisors retains the right to assume original jurisdiction over additional project applications. For more information, read the Item Materials. A list of cannabis use permit project applications under original jurisdiction is at the bottom of this page. 

This page contains information on projects scheduled for hearing. Documents will be added to this page as they become available.

Note: All hearing dates are tentative until each agenda is finalized.

UPC17-0031; 4233 Browns Lane, Petaluma

Use permit for a commercial cannabis cultivation operation, consisting of 10,000 square feet of mixed-light cultivation, 9,000 square feet of mixed-light propagation, 33,560 square feet of medium outdoor cultivation, and 5,000 square feet of associated processing on a 100 acre parcel. Operations are proposed to occur 24 hours per day, 7 days a week as needed. Deliveries, shipping, and processing operations are proposed from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Monday through Friday. The operation will employ up to 10 employees consisting of part time and full time employees. The project does not include distribution. 

Link to Item Materials on Board of Supervisors agenda website

Notice of Intent to Adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration  (PDF: 138 KB)

UPC17-0031 Mitigated Negative Declaration (link to the California Environmental Quality Act website)

UPC18-0046; 6699 Palmer Creek Road, Healdsburg

On October 18, 2022, the Board of Supervisors exercised orginal jurisdiction over this project application. For more information, read the Item Materials.

Use Permit for 10,000 square feet of mixed light cannabis cultivation, 17,825 square feet of outdoor cannabis cultivation, the conversion of 1.8 acres of timberland to a nontimber growing use, and the construction of a 782,907-gallon water storage reservoir on a 34.04-acre parcel. Outdoor  harvesting activities and mixed-light activities would be permitted to occur seven days a week, 24-hours per day as needed, although general employee hours and operations would occur between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Shipping and delivery activities limited Monday to Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. The project site would be closed to the public.

Link to Item Materials on Board of Supervisors Agenda website

Notice of Intent to Adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration  (PDF: 130 KB)

UPC18-0046 Mitigated Negative Declaration (link to the California Environmental Quality Act website)

UPC17-0048; 12201 Highway 12, Glen Ellen

Use permit to cultivate 1 acre (43,560 square feet) of outdoor cannabis, including 10,890 square feet of accessory non-flowering propagation and self-distribution of site-grown cannabis on a 158.85-acre parcel. Deliveries would occur between 5 AM and 8 PM Monday through Friday. No new structures are proposed.

Link to Item Materials on Board of Supervisors Agenda website

Notice of Public Hearing  (PDF: 113 KB)

UPC17-0048 Mitigated Negative Declaration (link to the California Environmental Quality Act website)

Rescinded Original Jurisdiction - PLP17-0040; 351/585 Trinity Road, Glen Ellen

On May 17, 2022, Original Jurisdiction was rescinded. For more information, read the Item Materials.

Request for a conditional use permit for commercial cannabis operations located at 351/585 Trinity Road, Glen Ellen, and consisting of 43,560 square feet of outdoor cannabis cultivation 10,890 square feet of cannabis propagation, and a distribution permit to only transport cannabis product off site.

Rescinded Original Jurisdiction - UPC17-0085; 4050 Grange Road, Santa Rosa

On May 17, 2022, Original Jurisdiction was rescinded. For more information, read the Item Materials.

Request for a conditional use permit for a commercial cannabis cultivation operation including 42,435 square feet of outdoor cultivation and 1,125 square feet of propagation on a 14.6-acre parcel. In March 2022, the operator was removed from the Penalty Relief Program.

UPC18-0037; 2260 Los Alamos Road, Santa Rosa

A five-year limited term Conditional Use Permit for commercial cannabis cultivation, including 43,560 square feet (1 acre) of outdoor cannabis cultivation, 10,890 square feet of propagation and self transport. The project would be allowed to conduct cultivation activities twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week as needed. Deliveries and shipping would be limited to 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. The operation would be supported by four full time employees and four seasonal employees on a 40 acre parcel. 

Link to Item Materials on Board of Supervisors Agenda website

Notice of Public Hearing  (PDF: 125 KB)

UPC17-0069; 1478 Valley Ford Freestone Road, Valley Ford - Continued to a later date

Originally scheduled for August 31, 2021, the item was continued once to October 19, 2021, then continued off calendar. 

Request for a five-year limited-term Conditional Use Permit for 39,861 square feet of outdoor cultivation, 3,150 square feet of outdoor cultivation in temporary hoop-houses, 500 square feet of indoor cultivation/wholesale nursery and associated propagation, and processing of site-grown plants. The project will utilize an existing building for the indoor grow area. There will be no manufacturing on site. The applicant is proposing to process the indoor cannabis on-site. The project would have a maximum of 6 full-time employees. During harvest season, the project would operate 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., seven days a week. Delivery and shipping activities would be limited to the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. The project would not be open to the public. The project site is currently operating under the Penalty Relief Program. The project is on a 10.72-acre parcel. 

Link to Item materials on Board of Supervisors Agenda website

Notice of Public Hearing (PDF: 123 KB) 

UPC17-0069 Mitigated Negative Declaration (link to the California Environmental Quality Act website)

UPC17-0041; 2000 Los Alamos Road, Santa Rosa

Request for a limited-term, five-year Conditional Use Permit for 3,799 square feet of indoor and 2,850 square feet of mixed-light commercial cannabis cultivation for a total of 6,649 square feet of cultivation, onsite processing of site grown cannabis, including trimming, drying, curing, weighing and packaging and distributor and transport only. The indoor cultivation will take place in two separate structures: 1) a 2,600 square foot replacement agricultural barn (destroyed in the September 2020 Glass Fire) containing 1,563 square feet of canopy, processing activities and an ADA compliant restroom; and 2) a new 2,236 square foot cultivation only structure. Mixed-light cultivation will occur in a new 2,850 square foot greenhouse on a 15.00-acre parcel zoned Resources and Rural Development (RRD), 200-acre density.  There would be a maximum of two full-time employees and four seasonal employees. Cultivation and processing operations are allowed to occur 24 hours per day, 7 days a week.  Deliveries and shipping operations are limited to the hours of 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday.  The project site would be closed to the public.

Link to Item Materials on Board of Supervisors Agenda website

Notice of Public Hearing  (PDF: 123 KB)

Notice of Intent to Adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration and Tentatively Scheduled Public Hearing  (PDF: 141 KB)

UPC17-0041 Mitigated Negative Declaration (link to the California Environmental Quality Act website)   

UPC19-0002; 101 Trinity Road, Glen Ellen

Request for a Use Permit for a 20,000 square feet of centralized cannabis processing and of 28,560 square feet of outdoor cannabis cultivation, 5,000 square feet of indoor cannabis wholesale nursery, 10,000 square feet of mixed light cannabis cultivation, 9,640 square feet of cannabis propagation, and distribution-transportation only on a 29.2-acre parcel. 

Link to Item materials on Board of Supervisors Agenda website

Notice of Public Hearing (PDF: 114 KB) 

Notice of Intent to Adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration and Tentatively Scheduled Public Hearing (PDF: 198 KB)

UPC19-0002 Mitigated Negative Declaration (link to the California Environmental Quality Act website)

Original Jurisdiction Rescinded - UPC18-0001; 885 Montgomery Road, Sebastopol

On January 26, 2021, Original Jurisdiction was rescinded. For more information, read the Item Materials

Originally scheduled for August 12, 2020, the item was continued off calendar. 

Request for a five-year Conditional Use Permit for 38,484 square feet of outdoor cultivation, 1,547 square feet of indoor cultivation, 1,414 square feet of indoor propagation and, 504 square feet of associated processing of commercial cannabis. The project will have three full-time employees. The hours of operation would be 6:00 AM to 8:00 PM, seven days a week. Shipping and delivery activities are from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. There would be no public access. The project is on a 10-acre parcel.

Link to Item Materials on Board of Supervisors Agenda website

Notice of Public Hearing  (PDF: 30 Kb)

UPC17-0012; 2211 London Ranch Road, Glen Ellen

A five-year limited-term Conditional Use Permit for 1,968 square feet of outdoor cannabis cultivation (up to 50 plants) and 500 square feet of indoor cultivation to be located within a total cultivation area of 2,468 square feet with on-site processing on a 7.74-acre parcel. 

Link to Item Materials on Board of Supervisors Agenda website

Notice of Public Hearing (PDF: 121 Kb)

UPC17-0018; 6095 Bodega Avenue, Petaluma

Use Permit for commercial cannabis cultivation in a new 14,000 square foot greenhouse with 10,000 square feet of mixed light cultivation, 2,500 square feet of indoor propagation, and on-site processing of site-grown plants on a 1 acre leased portion on a 7.6 acre parcel under the pipeline provision (Ordinance No. 6245 adopted 10/16/2018), which allows applications deemed complete prior to the effective date of the ordinance to continue to be processed under the minimum lot size in effect at the time their applications were deemed complete.

Link to Item Materials on Board of Supervisors Agenda website

List of Cannabis Use Permit Applications under Original Jurisdiction

  1. UPC17-0012; 2211 London Ranch Road, Glen Ellen - Approved 8/12/2020
  2. UPC17-0018; 6095 Bodega Avenue, Petaluma - Approved 5/19/2020
  3. UPC17-0026; 841 Leslie Road, Healdsburg - To Be Scheduled
  4. UPC17-0031; 4222/4233 Browns Lane, Petaluma - Approved 12/13/2022
  5. UPC17-0032; 520 Stage Gulch Road #A, Petaluma - To Be Scheduled
  6. UPC17-0037; 6101 Cleland Ranch Road, Santa Rosa - Withdrawn
  7. UPC17-0041; 2000 Los Alamos Road, Santa Rosa - Approved 5/25/2021
  8. UPC17-0048; 12201 Highway 12, Glen Ellen - Approved 10/18/2022
  9. UPC17-0065; 3803 Matanzas Creek Lane, Santa Rosa - Withdrawn
  10. UPC17-0069; 1478 Valley Ford Freestone Road, Bodega - Continued to off calendar 10/19/2021
  11. UPC17-0072; 2815 Leslie Road, Santa Rosa - To Be Scheduled
  12. UPC17-0085; 4050 Grange Road, Santa Rosa - Rescinded Original Jurisdiction 5/17/2022
  13. UPC17-0095; 3215 Middle Two Rock Road, Petaluma - Withdrawn
  14. UPC18-0001; 885 Montgomery Road, Sebastopol - Rescinded Original Jurisdiction 1/26/2021 - Withdrawn
  15. UPC18-0015; 2870 Leslie Road/8373 Singing Hills Trail, Santa Rosa - Withdrawn
  16. UPC18-0022; 2401 River Road, Windsor - To Be Scheduled
  17. UPC18-0037; 2260 Los Alamos Road, Santa Rosa - Approved 11/2/2021
  18. UPC19-0002; 101 Trinity Road, Glen Ellen - Approved 1/26/2021
  19. PLP17-0040; 351 Trinity Road, Glen Ellen - Rescinded Original Jurisdiction 5/17/2022 - Approved 3/21/2023

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