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Board of Supervisors Department

XI. Participation of the Public

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Rule 47. Public Comment / Time Limits

Members of the public have the right to address the Board on any item within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Board and the Board shall not prohibit public criticism of the policies, procedures, programs, or services of the County of Sonoma, or of the acts or omissions of the Board. (Government Code § 54954.3). Members of the public shall direct their comments to the Chair who may, at his or her discretion, request a response from staff. The time public comment is taken will be published on the agenda 72 hours in advance of the meeting. Time limitations are at the discretion of the Chair, and may be reduced or extended.

Public comments on items on the agenda will be called prior to the Board taking action on the item. Under the Public Comments portion of the meeting, members of the public will be allowed to address the Board regarding any item not on the agenda. Under the Brown Act, Board members may not deliberate or take action on items not on the agenda, and generally may only listen. No action may be taken on items not on the agenda unless authorized by law.

No attendee of a Board of Supervisors meeting, at any meeting site or virtually, shall engage in conduct that disrupts the orderly conduct of the meeting, including but not limited to using loud, discriminatory or threatening language, whistling, clapping, stamping feet, or speaking over or interrupting the recognized speaker.

Rule 48. Orderly Conduct

The Chair may determine when orderly conduct of a meeting is not feasible owing to a threat of force or disruptive behavior by persons in attendance.

Threat of Force

The Chair may order an individual to be removed from a Board of Supervisors meeting when the individual is engaging in behavior that constitutes use of force or a “true threat of force,” meaning a threat that has sufficient indicia of intent and seriousness that a reasonable observer would perceive it to be an actual threat to use force by the person making the threat.

Disruptive Conduct

  1. The Chair may order an individual to be removed from a Board of Supervisors meeting when the individual is engaging in behavior that actually disrupts, disturbs, impedes, or renders infeasible the orderly conduct of the meeting, which may include but is not limited to failing to comply with these Rules of Procedure.
  2. Continued use of loud, threatening, profane, or abusive language or “discriminatory or harassing remarks” that impedes the orderly conduct of the meeting may also be grounds for removal if the conduct interferes with the Board’s ability to accomplish its functions in a reasonably efficient matter by causing a distraction from the Board’s business, chilling public participation, interfering with the ability of those present to listen and understand the business and proceedings of the Board, and may constitute or contribute to employment discrimination. “Discriminatory or harassing remarks” is speech, the content of which may be legally protected, at a Board of Supervisors meeting that disparages an individual or group based on a protected class or violates the Board’s and the County’s Non-Discrimination Policy.
  3. Prior to ordering the removal of the individual for disruptive conduct, the Chair shall warn the individual that their behavior is disrupting the meeting and shall follow the procedures for addressing disruptive discriminatory or harassing remarks, below, if applicable.
  4. The Chair may request that person(s) disrupting the meeting leave the chambers/meeting room. If order cannot be restored, the Chair may order the chambers/meeting room cleared and continue in session. Members of the news media, except those participating in the disturbance, shall be allowed to remain. The Chair may re-admit any person(s) provided their re-admission will not disrupt the continued orderly conduct of business. The Chair may also call a recess and reconvene when order has been restored.

Procedure for Disruptive Discriminatory or Harassing Remarks

When a person makes discriminatory or harassing remarks, as defined above, that disrupts, disturbs, impedes, or renders infeasible the orderly conduct of a meeting, the presiding officer shall take the following actions:

  1. The presiding officer shall stop the speaker and remind the speaker of the County’s Non-Discrimination Policy. The Chair shall state that the County and the Board do not condone comments in violation of the County’s Policy and that the speaker’s language is unwanted and unwelcome and impedes the orderly conduct of the meeting by interfering with the Board’s ability to accomplish its functions in a reasonably efficient matter by causing a distraction from the Board’s business, chilling public participation, interfering with the ability of those present to listen and understand the business and proceedings of the County and Board, and may constitute or contribute to employment discrimination.
  2. The Chair shall state that any County, or any other district, authority or board employee present may be excused from attendance at the meeting during the speaker’s remarks.
  3. The Chair shall hold the speaker’s time and the speaker may resume speaking after the Chair’s admonishment, unless the speaker’s comments continue to disrupt, disturb, or impede the orderly conduct of the meeting. If the speaker continues to disrupt, disturb, or impede the orderly conduct of the meeting, the Chair may prohibit the speaker from further commenting or may order the speaker to be removed from the meeting.
  4. After the end of the speaker’s comments, any Board member may make a brief response to such comments, if desired.

(Govt. Code § 54957.95.)

Rule 49. Security and Prohibition of Banners/Signs or other Hazardous Objects

The Board has the power to implement security measures in the chambers/meeting room. The Board Chambers are protected by security screeners to maintain the public’s safety. Signs, posters, banners or other hazardous objects which could impair the safety of individuals in the event of an emergency are prohibited in the chambers/meeting room. Any large object/container that may be deemed a hazardous object which could impair the safety of individuals in the event of an emergency may be prohibited in the chambers/meeting room.

Rule 50. Appointments to Countywide Boards and Commissions

For all Board appointments requiring the approval of the Board of Supervisors, the procedures set forth in this Rule 50 shall be followed. The Clerk of the Board shall regularly advertise all available openings on boards and commissions in accordance with current communication channels identified by the joint recommendation of the Office of Equity and the County Administrator’s Office Central Communications division. The Clerk of the Board shall also post the vacancy information on the County’s Maddy Act page on the County’s website. The Clerk of the Board shall convene selected staff members to review prospective applications on a quarterly basis, or as needed. When the recommendation is brought forward to the Board, the agenda materials shall include all applications reviewed by staff. The Clerk of the Board shall notify all applicants when the agenda is posted for the appointment, however, applicants shall not be required to be present for consideration by the Board.