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V. Agendas and Agenda Materials

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Rule 9. Meeting Agenda

At least 72 hours before a regular meeting, the Clerk shall post an agenda. The agenda shall consist of a brief statement of each item to be considered by the Board (Government Code §54950). The agenda shall indicate the time and location of the meeting and shall be posted as required by law. The Chair and the County Administrator control the agenda with input from the Vice Chair. Any member who is not able to address agenda scheduling concerns through the Chair or County Administrator may raise the issue at a Board meeting and limit the discussion to scheduling on an upcoming Board agenda. Consistent with the Brown Act, the Board may not discuss or debate the substance of the issue. The Board, by majority vote, may act to add an item to a future agenda.

Rule 10. Addendums/Supplemental Agenda Items

The Clerk shall prepare, post, and distribute all addendums/supplemental agendas when there has been an item added, continued, deleted, and/or modified since the distribution of the initial meeting agenda.

Rule 11. Adherence to Clerk of the Board Required Agenda Procedures and Deadlines

The Clerk of the Board may prescribe templates for use by Departments/Agencies when requesting a proposed item be placed on the Board of Supervisor's agenda. The Clerk of the Board may also establish procedures, including timelines, for the submission of such items. All Departments/Agencies shall conform to the Clerk of the Board's procedures and templates, which shall be made available electronically to Departments/Agencies on the County's Intranet or by other means. Non-conformance with this rule shall not invalidate an action of the Board of Supervisors on an item on its agenda.

Without amendment to these Rules, the County Administrator may change agenda procedures, including procedures and templates established by the Clerk of the Board, as appropriate to meet County business needs.

When submitting an item for consideration by the Board, it is the responsibility of the originating Department/Agency to provide all required information, and follow all required procedures, including timelines, established by the County Administrator and Clerk.

Rule 13. Review and Filing of Agenda Items

All agenda items, regardless of the official capacity in which the Board is acting, require review by the County Administrator’s Office prior to submission to the Clerk for placement on the agenda. Agenda items are to be submitted to the County Administrator’s Office complete, with all back-up materials, and in accordance with all procedures, requirements, and instructions as established by the Clerk of the Board.

The County Administrator may ask for additional information, clarification, and may determine not to place any item on the agenda. Without amendment to these Rules, agenda submittal instructions may be amended or additional requirements imposed to ensure appropriate review and Brown Act compliance.

Rule 14. Supplemental Correspondence and Information

Prior to and During the Board Meeting -
Agenda materials distributed, via mail, email, or hand delivered by the public to a majority of the Board or their staff, that is distributed or redistributed to another County employee, must be forwarded to the Clerk for public review. 

At the Board Meeting -
Documents, including PowerPoint handouts, distributed to Board members by County employees or Board members themselves at the meeting, shall be kept to a minimum. When necessary to distribute materials at the meeting, copies shall be provided to the Clerk for distribution to: Board members, County Administrator, County Counsel, and the Clerk, and the general public. If new information will be distributed to the Board members, then the number of copies should be provided to the Clerk to make available for the Board members, County Administrator, County Counsel, the Clerk, and the general public. Members of the public may not present PowerPoint materials to the Board. However, in quasi-adjudicatory hearings, the parties may prepare a PowerPoint and submit the presentation to Department/Agency staff and the Clerk of the Board for review at least 30 days before the hearing in compliance with Rule 21 and Rule 22 below.

Any supplemental correspondence or written information related to an agenda item which is provided to three or more Board members, and/or members of their staffs, shall be concurrently filed with the Clerk and made a part of the official record. This Rule shall not apply to attorney-client privileged communications. 

Sufficient copies of supplemental correspondence and information should be delivered to the Clerk and the Clerk shall make the appropriate distribution to the Board, County Administrator and County Counsel.

Rule 15. County Counsel Approval as to Form

All agenda items which require County Counsel’s approval shall be reviewed and approved by Counsel, prior to submittal to the County Administrator Office.