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Board of Supervisors Department

Lower Russian River Municipal Advisory Council

Lower Russian River Municipal Advisory Council Meeting

Date: March 13, 2025

Time: 5:30 p.m.

Hybrid Meeting:

West County Services Center
16390 Main Street, Guerneville

Attend remotely via Zoom

Registration Required: No

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Agenda materials will be posted 72 hours before the meeting.

Lower Russian River Municipal Advisory Council


  1. Call to Order

    1. Announcement from Spanish Interpreter: The Spanish language interpreter will provide information about how to access the interpretation channel via Zoom or obtain a headset if attending in-person.

    2. Roll Call

  2. Approval of the Agenda

    Discussion / Possible Action

    This approval process ensures that the agenda accurately reflects the items to be discussed and decided upon. Members may request adjustments to the agenda, including reordering or deletion of items at this time. Any changes must comply with the Brown Act requirements for public notice and agenda setting. The agenda must be finalized before the Council proceeds with other meeting items.

  3. Statement of Conflict of Interest 

    This is the time for the Chair, Vice Chair and Council Members to indicate any statements of conflict

    of interest for any item listed on this agenda. The River MAC bylaws state that members will not involve themselves in official River MAC activities that could materially benefit them personally, their business interests, or the interests of organizations that they represent. In a conflict of interest, the member will abstain from voting, and the abstention will be recorded in the minutes.

  4. Councilmember Comment 

    This is an opportunity for Councilmembers to provide a brief comments, restricted to matters within the Board’s jurisdiction. Due to Brown Act regulations, this is not a time for discussion of any item, however a brief dialogue about considering an item for a future agenda is permitted during this time.

  5. Public Comment on Matters not listed on the Agenda 

    Comments are restricted to matters within the Lower Russian River MAC’s jurisdiction. Please be brief and limit spoken comments to two minutes. While Councilmembers may not respond to or discuss comments except to express interest in agendizing the topic for a future meeting, staff can briefly address or follow up after the meeting.

  6. County Update


    Updates from Supervisor Hopkins and / or Staff

  7. Sonoma County Tourism: Diversity, Sustainability & Stewardship 
    Discussion / Possible Action

    Kelly Bass Siebel, Sonoma County Tourism's Vice President of Community Engagement,

    will introduce Wine Country for All of Us, Sonoma County Tourism’s new multi-year initiative aimed at fostering inclusivity, accessibility, and sustainability in the region’s tourism industry. This initiative builds upon Sonoma County’s long-standing commitment to diversity and stewardship by ensuring that all visitors and residents feel welcomed and valued.

    Key features of the initiative include:

    Development of a curriculum for front-line staff to enhance awareness and inclusivity in guest interactions.

    Identification and promotion of ADA-accessible services, amenities, and experiences to improve accessibility throughout the region.

    Partnerships with organizations such as Wheel the World, Global Sustainable Tourism Council, Kind Traveler, and Leave No Trace to support responsible tourism and environmental stewardship.

    A marketing campaign, “This is Wine Country,” designed to showcase the region’s rich diversity, unexpected treasures, and authentic travel experiences.

    MAC members and community stakeholders are encouraged to provide input on how this initiative can further enhance Sonoma County’s inclusivity and accessibility efforts.

  8. Ad Hoc Committees

    Discussion / Possible Action

    This is an opportunity for updates from existing Ad Hoc Committee(s) or the formation / dissolution of an Ad Hoc Committee by the Chair.

    1. Land Use Ad Hoc: Discussion re: PLP25-0001: Cargo Container Storage Facility in Pocket Canyon

      The Ad hoc met on March 4 to review the Completeness Referral Packet and have several questions about the project. This is an opportunity for the full MAC to discuss the application and draft feedback to the Planner. The applicant has been invited to attend to answer questions.

      Ad hoc members: Betsy Van Dyke, Thai Hilton, Cari Hernandez, and Patty Thayer

    2. Community Engagement & Outreach Plan Ad Hoc

      The MAC will review and consider adoption of the 2025 Community Engagement and Outreach Plan

      Ad hoc members: Vicki Clewes, Patty Thayer, Cari Hernandez, Betsy Van Dyke, and Faye Zamora

  9. Consent Agenda

    Discussion / Possible Action

    These items are expected to be routine and non-controversial. The Lower Russian River MAC will act upon them at one time without discussion. Any Representatives, staff member or interested party may request that an item be removed from the consent agenda for discussion.

    1. February 13 Minutes

    2. 2024 Lower Russian River Annual Report

  10. Adjournment

Open Meetings: Except as expressly authorized under the Ralph M. Brown Act (the State’s local agency open meeting law), all meetings of the River Municipal Advisory Council are open to attendance by interested members of the public.

Agenda Comments: The Chair will invite public comment for agenda items as they are taken up by the Committee. If you wish to speak, you may do so upon receiving recognition by the Chair. Please state your name and limit your comments to the agenda item under discussion. Speakers are limited to three minutes each; available time for comments is determined by the Committee Chair based on agenda scheduling demand and total number of speakers.

Public Comments on Items not on the Agenda: At any Regular Meeting, any member of the public may address the Committee on a matter not listed on the agenda as long as the subject matter is within the jurisdiction of the Committee. If you wish to speak, you may do so upon recognition by the Committee Chair. While members of the public are welcome to address the Committee, under the Brown Act open meeting laws, Committee members may not deliberate or take action on items not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to two minutes each; available time for comments is determined by the Committee Chair based on agenda scheduling demands and total number of speakers.

Documents related to open session agendas: Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the Lower Russian River Municipal Advisory Council regarding any item on this agenda after the posting of this agenda and not otherwise exempt from disclosure will be made available for public review at 575 Administration Drive, Room 100-A, Santa Rosa, CA, during normal business hours.

Disabled Accommodation: If you have a disability and require a sign language interpreter, assistive listening device, material in an alternate format, or other accommodation to attend, please contact or 1-707-565-2241 at least 72 hours prior to the meeting in order to facilitate arrangements for accommodation.