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Probation Department

Probation Camp

Sonoma County Probation Camp

Sonoma County Probation Camp is a 24-bed, short-term correctional treatment facility under the administration of the Probation Department for 15-1/2 to 18-year-old males committed by the Juvenile Court.

Probation Camp SignFirst established in 1955, Probation Camp has a long and proud history of providing positive opportunities for the young men committed to the program, resulting in more productive citizens and safer communities in Sonoma County.

Due to the declining population in the Juvenile Justice system, Probation Camp has been temporarily un-occupied as of January 1, 2021. There is no planned re-occupancy date at this time. During this period of un-occupancy, production/sales of products will continue so that the shop program remains intact for when the program re-occupies.