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Auditor-Controller Treasurer-Tax Collector Department

Introducing National Save for Retirement Week

Recently, Congress designated October 20 - 26 , 2014 as National Save for Retirement Week

Published: October 02, 2014

Their stated goals include increasing awareness of the need to adequately save for retirement and the variety of ways to accomplish this. A number of free workshops will be made available to employees during National Save For Retirement Week as part of Sonoma County's efforts to increase employee retirement savings and improve financial literacy. Topics covered will include using your 457/401 deferred compensation program to help reach savings goals, managing health care costs in retirement, and understanding the basics of your Sonoma County Employees' Retirement Association membership. Workshop descriptions and schedules are listed below. Space is limited and you are encouraged to register early.

The workshops will be held in the Board of Supervisors chambers on the main County campus on October 20 and 22, 2014 and in the Water Agency office near Airport Boulevard on the October 21, 2014.

Employees who obtain supervisor approval may use County time to attend these workshops. Attendance is not, however, eligible for overtime pay. Snacks will be available, although no lunch will be provided.

Workshops Offered:

The County and Nationwide Financial will be providing the following workshops:

Retirement: Getting from Here to There

This overview will help you understand the basics of your Sonoma County Employees Retirement Association membership. We will answer questions like: How does the plan work? When am I eligible to retire? How is my benefit calculated? Do I need to be doing anything now?

Presenter: Elizabeth Anderson, SCERA Benefits Coordinator

Planning for Retirement 101 – Enrollment

This comprehensive workout covers the basics of retirement planning including:

  • Understanding income challenges facing retirees
  • The power of time and compounding
  • Tax deferred advantages of the Sonoma County 457 Deferred Compensation Plan
  • Investment types and asset allocation

Presenter: Nationwide Financial

Annual Investment Check-Up

This comprehensive workshop is designed for current Sonoma County Deferred Compensation Plan participants. The workshop covers issues participants face such as:

  • How do I know if I'm saving enough?
  • Where should my money be invested?
  • Keeping your investments balanced
  • Saving is good. Saving more is better.

Presenter: Nationwide Financial

Approaching Retirement

This comprehensive workshop addresses the issues that participants who are nearing retirement face as part of their retirement planning process. The workshop covers such topics as:

  • Sources of retirement income
  • Addressing the retirement income gap
  • Finding additional savings opportunities
  • Consolidating assets into your Sonoma County Deferred Compensation Plan

Presenter: Nationwide Financial

Planning for Health care in Retirement

This workshop explains typical health care scenarios and costs that retirees will face. Topics include:

  • The health care dilemma
  • Understanding health care and how it affects you
  • Creating a plan to address health care costs – the role your Sonoma County 457 Plan can play

Presenter: Nationwide Financial


Monday, October 20, 2014(BOS Chambers on main County campus)

Workshop Time

Course Title

8:00 am

Retirement: Getting from Here to There

9:00 am

Planning in Retirement 101

11:00 am

Healthcare in Retirement

1:00 pm

Healthcare in Retirement

2:00 pm

Retirement: Getting from Here to There

3:00 pm

Approaching Retirement

Tuesday, October 21, 2014 (Sonoma County Water Agency – Aviation Building)

Workshop Time

Course Title

8:00 am

Retirement: Getting from Here to There

9:00 am

Investor Checkup

11:00 am

Healthcare in Retirement

1:00 pm

Healthcare in Retirement

2:00 pm

Retirement: Getting from Here to There

3:00 pm

Planning in Retirement 101

Wednesday, October 22, 2014 (BOS Chambers on main County campus)

Workshop Time

Course Title

8:00 am

Retirement: Getting from Here to There

9:00 am

Approaching Retirement

11:00 am

Healthcare in Retirement

1:00 pm

Healthcare in Retirement

2:00 pm

Retirement: Getting from Here to There

3:00 pm

Investor Checkup