Historical Records Commission Meeting
Date: April 10, 2025
Time: 4:00 - 5:00 p.m.
Meeting Location:
Sonoma County Clerk-Recorder's Office
Sonoma Room
585 Fiscal Dr Rm 103
Santa Rosa, CA 95403
Via ZOOM: https://sonomacounty.zoom.us/j/96537662201?pwd=ZStSMmJlejhVNWFlQ0lPSkJYT0JCQT09
Meeting Number: 965 3766 2201
Call in: 1-669-900-9128
Meeting passcode: 281662
Parking: Free on-site
Registration Required: No
Agenda will be posted by 12:00PM on the Friday prior to the meeting date. Please email Secretary Amanda.King@sonoma-county.org for any questions or agenda item submissions.
Disabled Accommodation: If you have a disability which
requires an accommodation, an alternative format, or requires another
person to assist you while attending this meeting, please contact the Secretary at (707) 565-1805, as soon as possible to ensure arrangements for accommodation.