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Human Services Department

Employment & Training Division

Employment & Training Division

Mother and baby

We provide employment assistance, training and benefits to families applying for or receiving cash assistance, and employment and training services to Sonoma County residents.


SonomaWORKS provides temporary help in the form of cash assistance for families with minor children who have little or no money.

General Assistance

General Assistance provides temporary cash assistance for individuals who have little or no money. It can be approved for up to 90 days in a 12-month period, and possibly longer for people with disabilities. 

Housing & Homeless Services

Programs include the Housing Disability and Advocacy Program, CalWORKs Housing Support Program (HSP) and Housing Assistance to assist individuals and families who are at-risk of homelessness or literally homeless.

Workforce Development Board:  JobLink

Sonoma County Job Link is a partnership of more than 30 employment and training providers that offer personalized assistance to job seekers. Job Link also provides employers with a variety of services including candidate matching, recruitment postings, opportunity for wage subsidy programs, and more.

Youth Employment Services

Sonoma County Job Link youth programs offer support to youth and young adults ages 16-24 with career planning, employment and education support, and paid work experiences, including short-term employment opportunities.