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Department of Health Services

Public Health Disease Control

Monkeypox (MPX) Cases in Sonoma County

Case Status Case Count Case Percentage
Total 100%


*Confirmed Case: Demonstration of the presence of Monkeypox (MPX) virus DNA by polymerase chain reaction testing or Next-Generation sequencing of a clinical specimen OR isolation of Monkeypox (MPX) virus in culture from a clinical specimen.

**Probable Case: No suspicion of other recent Orthopoxvirus exposure (e.g., Vaccinia virus in ACAM2000 vaccination) AND demonstration of the presence of Orthopoxvirus DNA by polymerase chain reaction of a clinical specimen OR Orthopoxvirus using immunohistochemical or electron microscopy testing methods OR
Demonstration of detectable levels of anti-orthopoxvirus IgM antibody during the period of 4 to 56 days after rash onset.

California case information: CDPH Monkeypox Data in California
National case information: CDC U.S. Map & Case Count
Global case information: WHO Health Emergency Dashboard

Wasterwater Surveillance

Sonoma County & Verily Wastewater Scan have partnered to track the presence of Monkeypox (MPX) virus in wastewater samples from Laguna (Santa Rosa & Rohnert Park) and Ellis Creek (Petaluma) Water Recycling Facilities. These data can provide an early warning of disease spread in a community. Raw and normalized trends can be viewed at the facility links above, or can be compared with other states and communities within the network.

It should be remembered that wastewater surveillance can provide information about presence of a disease and trends of spread within a community serviced by a sewershed (the community serviced by a wastewater treatment plant), but it cannot provide information about individuals’ symptoms, severity, or be used to infer new case counts within a community. Research is underway to understand how the concentration of the DNA in wastewater solids relates to cases in the community.

For more information to understand wastewater disease surveillance, please see the following links: | National Wastewater Surveillance System | Public Health Interpretation and Use of Wastewater Surveillance Data