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Road Sign Repair

Road Signs Before and After

Sonoma Public Infrastructure's offices are now located at 400 Aviation Blvd, Suite 100, Santa Rosa, CA 95403.

The County owns and maintains over 18,000 street signs County-wide. These can be subject to collisions, vandalism, obstruction by vegetation, loss of reflectivity, or other forms of damage. While our crews do regular road sign inspections and maintenance, limited staff means that you might spot a damaged sign before we do.

Report Damaged Signs using SoCo Connect

You can report non-emergency road issues (such as potholes, broken signs, overgrown vegetation, etc.) using SoCo Connect , Sonoma County's application for submitting service requests.

Submit a Service Request Now  

Design & Placement

Road Signs on Sonoma County roads conform to the California Manual for Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), which all municipalities within the state of California are required by law to follow.

Requests for new signs or sign modifications must be reviewed by Traffic Engineering staff. We do not install personalized or customized road signs, or any road signs that do not conform to Caltrans standards.