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Press Release Index

May 02, 2019 | Community Development Commission

Sonoma County Community Development Commission seeks equity in housing

While the local housing crisis grabs news headlinesand holds public attention, the Sonoma County Community Development Commissionisn’t just pushing for more housing, but also for equity in housing. Read full story

March 06, 2019 | Community Development Commission

<p>Roseland Village Development Project approved, construction to begin after Cinco de Mayo</p>

<span style="background-color: rgb(253, 253, 252); font-family: "Open Sans", sans-serif; font-size: 13.28px;">The Roseland Village Development Project approved by the Santa Rosa Planning Commission on Thursday, Feb. 28, 2019 will provide housing and community amenities in an area of the city that has lacked resources for decades.</span> Read full story

January 29, 2019 | Community Development Commission

Sonoma County Rental Assistance Programs Continue as Federal Government Reopens

With the federal government reopened through at least February 15, 2019, the Sonoma County Housing Authority is able to fund rental assistance payments for programs financed by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) through May 31, 2019. Read full story

January 17, 2019 | Community Development Commission

<p>SonomaCounty Rental Assistance Programs Remain On Track Despite Government Shutdown</p><p> </p>

<p>The Sonoma County Housing Authoritywill continue to provide much-needed rental assistance through its programsfunded by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), despitethe federal government continuing its longest shutdown in U.S. history. TheHousing Authority has guaranteed rental assistance payments through March 2019.</p> Read full story

December 17, 2018 | Community Development Commission

Sonoma County Board of Supervisors Approves the Creation of Hundreds of Affordable Homes

In a significant step towards addressing Sonoma County’s housing crisis, last Tuesday the Board of Supervisors approved a series of actions that will result in the creation of 618 new units of affordable housing over the next three years. Read full story

July 06, 2018 | Community Development Commission

Sonoma County 2018 Homeless Count Foreshadows Post-Fire Rise in Homelessness

The most recent report from the Sonoma County Community Development Commission's annual "Homeless Count" foreshadow a post-fire rise in homelessness. Read full story

February 16, 2018 | Community Development Commission

2018 Sonoma County Homeless Count Launches

The Sonoma County Community Development Commission is coordinating the 2018 Point-in-Time Homeless Count. The Homeless Count will include a “street count” of people who are living outside in all census tracts in the County, as well as counting those staying in shelters, jail or institutions on the night before the street count. Read full story

October 06, 2017 | Community Development Commission

Guerneville Permanent Supportive Housing Financing

In an effort to address the homeless crisis, the Sonoma County Community Development Commission (CDC) recently proposed to lend up to $950,000 to West County Community Services for the purchase of a five-bedroom home in Guerneville to be used as permanent supportive housing for formerly homeless individuals Read full story

September 21, 2015 | Community Development Commission

Roseland Village Community Center to open on October 7, 2015

the Sonoma County Community Development Commission (SCCDC) will launch the Roseland Village Community Center and facilitate a public meeting for input on the repurposed facility, a new home for community focused programs, including library and children’s programs, as well as exercise and educational opportunities.Sonoma County Community Development Commission Hosts Public Meeting on the Roseland Village Neighborhood Center Proposals Read full story

June 22, 2015 | Community Development Commission

Sonoma County Community Development Commission Hosts Public Meeting on the Roseland Village Neighborhood Center Proposals

Sonoma County Community Development Commission Hosts Public Meeting on the Roseland Village Neighborhood Center Proposals Read full story