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Community Development Commission

News Index

November 13, 2023 | Community Development Commission

National Environmental Policy Act Environmental Review – Public Notice for Steelhead Beach Park Project - Removal of Accessibility Barriers

On or about November 20, 2023, the Sonoma County Community Development Commission will submit a request to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development for the release of $75,000 in Community Development Block Grants/Entitlement Grants funds as authorized by the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, Title I, Public Law 93-383, 88 Stat. 633, 42 U.S.C. 5301- 5321, as amended, to undertake a project known as Steelhead Beach ADA project for the purpose of providing Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) access to public facility Steelhead Beach Regional Park. Read full story

September 05, 2023 | Community Development Commission

Public Hearing Notice – Federal Funding Policies - September 20, 2023

The Sonoma County Community Development Committee and the Cities and Towns Advisory Committee will hold concurrent public hearings to review proposed revisions to Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Funding Policies for the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME), Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG), and Low Moderate Income Housing Asset Fund (LMIHAF) programs. Read full story

July 17, 2023 | Community Development Commission

Request for Qualifications: Travel Trailer Donation is Now Available!

The Sonoma County Community Development Commission (Commission) is soliciting qualifications and conceptual proposals from qualified entities including non-profit organizations and local government (Applicants) for the long-term ownership and management of up to thirty-one travel trailers. Read full story

April 13, 2023 | Community Development Commission

Notice of Finding of No Significant Impact and Intent to Request for Release Funds by U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)

Notice of Finding of No Significant Impact and Intent to Request for Release Funds by U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Read full story

March 30, 2023 | Community Development Commission

Notice of Public Hearing - FY 2023-2024 Annual Action Plan/FY 2020-2021 Annual Action Plan Substantial Amendment

The Sonoma County Community Development Commission will be holding a concurrent public hearing to consider applications submitted for several different sources of funding: Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), HOME Investment Partnership Program (HOME), HOME Community Housing Development Organization (HOME-CHDO), Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG), CDBG Cares Act (CDBG-CV), and Low and Moderate Income Housing Asset Fund (LMIHAF). Read full story

March 28, 2023 | Community Development Commission

Substantial Amendment to FY 2020-2021 Action Plan – Now Available!

Substantial Amendment to the FY 2020-2021 Annual Action Plan Read full story

March 17, 2023 | Community Development Commission

FY 23-24 Action Plan Now Available for Public Comment

The Community Development Commission of Sonoma County is proud to announce that the Draft Fiscal Year 2023-2024 Action Plan is now available for public comment through April 17, 2023! Read full story

March 15, 2023 | Community Development Commission

Notice of Funding Availability - Permanent Local Housing Allocation (PLHA) Program: Now Available!

The Sonoma County Community Development Commission is pleased to announce a new Notice of Funding Availability for the Permanent Local Housing Allocation (PLHA) program. Read full story

February 28, 2023 | Community Development Commission

Housing Vouchers 101

Sonoma County Housing Authority and Santa Rosa Housing Authority present information on Housing Voucher Programs. Read full story

February 10, 2023 | Community Development Commission

HOME ARP Notice of Availability for Public Comment and Notice of Public Hearing

The Sonoma County Community Development Committee and the Cities and Towns Advisory Committee will hold concurrent public hearings to review and recommend approval of the draft HOME ARP Allocation Plan to the Board of Supervisors, who will consider the plan at a future meeting in March of 2023. Read full story