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Human Resources Department

Engineers and Scientists of California (ESC)

2019 - 2023 ESCMemorandum of Understanding:   Article 22: Consultation Procedure

Engineers & Scientists of California

Article 22: Consultation Procedure

The County agrees to consult with the Union prior to implementing any changes in an existing policy or practice affecting an employee's conditions of employment. The County will:

  1. Provide a written copy of the proposed policy or practice change(s) to the Union's Business Agent at the earliest appropriate time, at least ten (10) working days prior to the date of implementation of the proposed policy or practice;
  2. meet and fully discuss the proposed change(s) with the Union's Business Agent and/or designee(s), upon request and receive the Union's recommendations or concerns;
  3. invite the Director of Human Resources and Employee Relations, or designee, to participate in the discussions upon the request of the Union's Business Agent.

The Union agrees to consult with the County on changes in an existing policy or practice affecting an employee’s conditions of employment that come to the attention of Union.

The Union will:

  1. Within ten (10) working days of the Union’s knowledge of the change, contact the appointing authority regarding a change in the Department’s existing policy or practice;
  2. within ten (10) working days of the Union’s knowledge of the change, contact the Director of Labor Relations regarding a change in an existing policy or practice that affects two or more Departments.

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