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November 26, 2018 | Department of Health Services

Bill Carter to Lead Behavioral Health Division inSonoma County

The Sonoma CountyDepartment of Health Services (DHS) selected Bill Carter, LCSW, as its newBehavioral Health Division Director after a competitive recruitment process. Read full story

November 26, 2018 | Department of Health Services

Sonoma County Winter Shelters open from November 2018-March 2019

From November 19, 2018, to March 31, 2019, seven nonprofit organizations will team up to expand and create winter shelter services across Sonoma County. This effort will support unsheltered persons to find relief from cold and wet weather. Read full story

November 21, 2018 | Department of Human Services

January 7, 2019 - Train as a Coach to Help Older Adults Prevent Falls

Harmful falls are the #1 reason older adults and seniors end up at the emergency room. Don’t restrict your activities because of worries about falling on uneven ground or stairs. Read full story

November 21, 2018 | Department of Human Services

Train Jan. 7: Become a Fall Prevention Coach for Older Adults

Register today for the January 7 training for fall prevention coaches! Have fun and help keep older adults safely on their feet! Read full story

November 20, 2018 | Board of Supervisors Department

Sonoma County Monitoring Rain Forecast, Working with Residents to Prepare for Rainy Season

Sonoma CountyEmergency Managers are coordinating with the National Weather Service tomonitor the rain forecast for this week, and to identify any concerns in burnedareas. At this time, the National Weather Service forecast does not include aflood watch or warning. Read full story

November 20, 2018 | Department of Emergency Management

Sonoma County Issues Alert Exercises Evaluation Report

The County of Sonoma has issued a report documenting the objectives, public response, lessons learned, and analysis of core capabilities resulting from the Sonoma County Operational Area Alert and Warning Functional Exercises conducted on September 10 and 12, 2018. Read full story

November 20, 2018 | Department of Health Services

Aviso de Salud Por el Humo de Incendios

La calidad del aire en el Condado de Sonoma ha permanecido pobre. Actualmente, la condición del aire se encuentra mayormente en la categoria ‘roja’, lo cual significa poco sano. Debido a los incendios activos y los cambios de los patrones del aire la calidad del aire puede variar impredeciblemente por varios dias, pero el pronóstico actual del tiempo predice cambios a mediado de la semana. Estamos esperanzados que la condición del aire mejore despues de estos cambios ambientales. Este aviso de salud permanecera vigente hasta que la calidad del aire mejore de manera significante y consistente.Los niños, ancianos y las personas con problemas respiratorios tales como asma,enfermedades pulmonares o cardíacas, tienen el mayor riesgo de sufrir efectosdañinos al estar expuestos a esta situación. Read full story

November 19, 2018 | Department of Health Services

Smoke Health Advisory Update

Air quality conditions in Sonoma County remain poor. Currently, air quality is mostly in the “red”, unhealthy range. Due to the active wildfires and changing wind patterns our air quality may vary unpredictably however, current weather forecasts predict changes in the middle of this week. We are hopeful that air quality conditions will improve after the weather changes. This health advisory will remain in effect, until the air quality significantly and consistently improves. Children,the elderly, and those with respiratory conditions such as asthma, lung diseaseand heart disease are most at risk for harmful impacts.As much as possible everyone should limit their time outdoors especially if the smell of smoke is present. Protect your health by following these healthy habits:En español Read full story

November 16, 2018 | Department of Health Services

Public Hearing - MHSA Annual Update and Plan Review

The Behavioral Health Division presents a Public Hearing toreview the Mental Health Services Act (MHSA) 2018-2019 Plan Update & AnnualUpdate for 2016-2017 on December 5, 2018 at 5:00 p.m. Read full story

November 15, 2018 | Board of Supervisors Department

Ag + Open Space Approves Over $3 Million for Urban Open Space Projects

The Board of Directors of the Sonoma County Agricultural Preservation and Open Space District (Ag + Open Space) today accepted staff funding recommendations for five projects within or near urban areas throughout Sonoma County. Read full story