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October 08, 2019 | Auditor-Controller Treasurer-Tax Collector Department

Public Safety Power Shutdown - EFS Impacts

The Sonoma County EFS Support Organization has been advised PG&E may be conducting a planned power outage. Read full story

October 08, 2019 | County Administrator's Office

County Offices and Services - Availability during Power Outage

Due to the power outage, many County offices will be closed, some services will be limited, and some public meetings will be canceled. Read full story

October 08, 2019 | County Administrator's Office

The County of Sonoma and City of SantaRosa Prepare for Confirmed Extended Power Shutoff, Advocate for State EmergencyProclamation

PG&E informed County and City officials today that critical current weather conditions persist and will result in a power shutoff. The County of Sonoma and the City of Santa Rosa proclaimed a state of local emergency on Monday after being notified of the possibility of the now confirmed extended de-energization event by PG&E. Read full story

October 08, 2019 | County Administrator's Office

El Condado de Sonoma y la Ciudad de Santa Rosa sePreparan para un Corte Eléctrico Prolongado, y Aboga por una Proclamación deEstado de Emergencia

El Condado de Sonoma y la Ciudad de Santa Rosa están abogando por unaproclamación gubernamental de emergencia en preparación por las consecuenciasdel actual plan de corte de energía. PG&E informó hoy a los funcionariosdel Condado y de la Ciudad que la corriente crítica las condiciones climáticaspersisten y resultarán en un corte de energía. Read full story

October 07, 2019 | County Administrator's Office

Fact Sheet – PG&E Power Shutoff & Fire Weather Watch

A Fire Weather Watch has been issued for Sonoma County from Wednesday 5 a.m. (10/9) to Thursday 5 p.m. for strong and gusty offshore winds and low humidity. PG&E has issued a Public Safety Power Shutoff Watch for Wednesday, October 9th, 2019 at 4:00 a.m. until Thursday, October 10th, 2019 at noon affecting the County. If fire weather conditions persist, PG&E may potentially shut power off. Read full story

October 07, 2019 | County Administrator's Office

Informacion Importante Corte de Energia de PG&E

El Servicio Meteorológico Nacional ha emitido una Vigilancia de Incendios Climáticos y incluye a todo el condado de Sonoma con la excepción de la cordillera de la costa comenzando el miércoles a las 5 a.m. (10/9) hasta el jueves a las 5 p.m., por vientos marinos fuertes y racheados y poca humedad. Read full story

October 07, 2019 | County Administrator's Office

County, City to Hold Observances of Two-Year Anniversary of Wildfires

The County of Sonoma and City of Santa Rosa invite communitymembers to gather to observe the two-year anniversary of the Sonoma ComplexFires at a brief ceremony at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, October 8, 2019 inCourthouse Square in Downtown Santa Rosa. Read full story

October 07, 2019 | County Administrator's Office

County of Sonoma and City of Santa RosaPreparing to Respond to a Potential PG&E Power Shutoff

The County of Sonoma and City of Santa Rosa are preparing to respond to the impacts of a possible PG&E Power Shutoff. PG&E informed County and City officials that Sonoma County is under a “Public Safety Power Shutoff Watch,” and current weather conditions may lead to a de-energization event within the next 36 to 48 hours. Read full story

October 04, 2019 | Department of Health Services

Emergency and Pre-Hospital Medical Services System Ordinance

The Board of Supervisors will introduce an ordinance amending Chapter 28 of the Sonoma County Code (Emergency and Pre-Hospital Medical Services System). Read full story

September 27, 2019 | County Administrator's Office

County Awarded Hazard Mitigation Grant Program Funds

Sonoma County was recently awarded $586,739 in HazardMitigation Grant Program (HMGP) funding from the Federal Emergency ManagementAgency (FEMA), to support projects that mitigate seismic and wildfire hazardsthroughout the County. The awards come after an extensive application andreview period that followed the Sonoma Complex Fires. Read full story