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December 30, 2019 | County Administrator's Office

CountyTakes Swift Actions to Address Homelessness on the Joe Rodota Trail

Following last week’s special Board meeting, County staff has quickly forged ahead to implement the strategic proposal to provide housing, sheltering and services to Joe Rodota Trail occupants. Read full story

December 24, 2019 | County Administrator's Office

County approves $12Million to address the Homelessness Crisis at the Joe Rodota Trail

OnDecember 23rd, the Board approved $12 Million for solutions to house andshelter those living on the Joe Rodota Trail. Read full story

December 18, 2019 | County Administrator's Office

County responds to the Homelessness Crisis at the Joe Rodota Trail

The County of Sonoma continues to work to find solutions to the homelessness crisis at the Joe Rodota Trail. Following direction from the Board of Supervisors, we have activated a Joint Operations Center (JOC) to expedite response and planning to address this crisis. Several County departments and stakeholders are working together ... Read full story

December 18, 2019 | County Administrator's Office

Condado responde a la crisis de personas sin hogar en el sendero Joe Rodota

El Condado de Sonoma continúa trabajando para encontrar soluciones a la crisis de personas sin hogar en el Sendero Joe Rodota. Siguiendo la dirección de la Junta de Supervisores, el Condado activó un Centro de Operaciones Conjuntas (JOC) para acelerar la planeación y respuesta ante esta crisis. Estamos trabajando con expertos, agencias regionales, y con grupos comunitarios... Read full story

December 18, 2019 | Department of Health Services

Flu Season Update County Health Officer Urges Getting Flu Shot

The Sonoma County Department of Health Services (DHS) recorded its first flu-related death this year in the County last week. The Sonoma County Health Officer Dr. Celeste Philip urges individuals to get vaccinated against the flu this season. Read full story

December 18, 2019 | Department of Health Services

Actualización para la Temporada de Gripe La Oficial de Salud del Condado de Sonoma Urge la Vacunación Contra la Gripe

La semana pasada, el Departamento de Servicios de Salud del Condado de Sonoma (DHS) registró su primera muerte en el condado este año relacionada con la gripe. La Dra. Celeste Philip, Oficial de Salud del Condado de Sonoma, urge a las personas que se vacunen contra la gripe esta temporada. Read full story

December 17, 2019 | Independent Office of Law Enforcement Review and Outreach

Updates on current state of the office

The Independent Office of Law Enforcement Review and Outreach (IOLERO) has begun using a new email notification system as a way to get information to our supporters and community partners in a way that is efficient and timely. Read full story

December 17, 2019 | Department of Human Services

Older Adults and Residents with Disabilities Invited to Discuss How to Improve County Transportation System

Older adults and residents with disabilities are invited to discuss how to improve local transportation, adding their input to the Sonoma County Connected Communities Transportation Study. The conversation will be Wednesday, February 19, 2:30-4:30 p.m., at the Petaluma Senior Center, 211 Novak Drive, Petaluma. Read full story

December 16, 2019 | Department of Human Services

Older Adults and Residents with Disabilities Invited to Discuss How to Improve Sonoma County’s Transportation System

Older adults and residents with disabilities are invited to discuss how to improve local transportation and offer input to the Sonoma County Connected Communities Transportation Study. The conversation will be Thursday, January 9, 9–11 a.m., at the Cloverdale Senior Center, 311 North Main Street, Cloverdale.  Read full story

December 13, 2019 | Independent Office of Law Enforcement Review and Outreach

A Message from the Director

In the wake of the recenttragedy resulting in David Ward’s death, our community is experiencing feelingsof despair and rage and there are a lot of questions about what comesnext. Read full story