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March 12, 2020 | County Administrator's Office

El Condado de Sonoma Será Anfitrión en una Presentación Virtual sobre el Coronavirus en la Alcaldia Municipal, en Español.

El Condado de Sonoma anfitrionará una reunión virtual en Español para compartir información sobre Novel Coronavirus (Covid-19) el Martes 17 de Marzo, 2020, de 5-6 P.M. en la estación de radio KBBF, 89.1 FM. Read full story

March 12, 2020 | County Administrator's Office

Sonoma County to Host Virtual Town Hall on Coronavirus in Spanish

Sonoma County will host a Spanish-language virtual town hall to share information about Novel Coronavirus (Covid-19) on Tuesday, March 17, 2020, from 5-6 p.m. on KBBF radio station, 89.1 FM. Read full story

March 11, 2020 | County Administrator's Office

El Oficial de Salud Aconseja Cancelar Grandes Eventos Interiores Para Ciertos Individuales para Prevenir La Propagación del Coronavirus

En una abundancia de precaución para prevenir la propagación del nuevo coronavirus (COVID-19), el Oficial de Salud del Condado de Sonoma aconseja cancelar o posponer reuniones no esenciales de 50 personas o más para adultos mayores de los 60 años, y aquellos con condiciones médicas crónicas. Read full story

March 11, 2020 | County Administrator's Office

Health Officer Advises CancelingLarge Indoor Events for Certain Individuals to Prevent Spread of Coronavirus

In an abundance of caution to prevent the spread of novel coronavirus (COVID-19), the Sonoma County Health Officer advises cancelling or postponing non-essential indoor gatherings of 50 people or more for older adults over the age of 60, and those with chronic medical conditions. Read full story

March 11, 2020 | Department of Emergency Management

Coronavirus: An Emerging Situation

The County will provide updated information as soon as it becomes available. For more updates and information visit Read full story

March 11, 2020 | Natural Resources

Russian River Biological Opinion Meeting Postponed

The Public PolicyFacilitating Committee (PPFC) annual meeting and tour scheduled for March 12,2020 at the Healdsburg Community Center have been postponed due to concerns forpublic health and safety as the result of the COVID-19 novel coronavirus outbreak. Read full story

March 10, 2020 | County Administrator's Office

Sonoma County to Host Virtual Town Hall on Coronavirus

Sonoma County will host a Virtual Town Hall toshare information about Novel Coronavirus (Covid-19) on Wednesday, March 11,2020, from 7:00pm – 8:00 pm on several local radio and TV stations, andlivestreamed online. Read full story

March 10, 2020 | County Administrator's Office

El Condado De Sonoma Sera Anfitrión A Una Presentación Virtual Sobre El Coronavirus En La Alcaldía Municipal

El condado de Sonoma anfitrionara una reunión virtual en la Alcaldía Municipal para compartir información acerca del Coronavirus Novel (Covid-19) el miércoles 11 de marzo, 2020, de 7:00-8:00pm, disponible en varias estaciones de radio y televisión locales, y transmitido en vivo por internet. Read full story

March 10, 2020 | Sonoma Public Infrastructure

EAH Withdraws from Chanate Sale

EAH, the affordable housing bidder who was in negotiations with the County for the surplus sale of the Chanate property, withdrew from their buyer-side partnership. With no qualified respondent to the surplus Request for Proposals, the County closed the surplus sale process with no deal. Read full story

March 09, 2020 | Natural Resources

Public Opportunity to Learn About HabitatProjects that Benefit Threatened Fish in the Russian River Watershed

The Biological Opinion requirementsinclude reducing minimum summertime flows in the Russian River and Dry Creek;changing the way the sandbar is managed at the mouth of the Russian Riverbetween May 15 and October 15; enhancing habitat in Dry Creek; and fishmonitoring. Read full story