News Index
Let’s Work Together to Support Our Older Adult Community During COVID-19 June is Elder Abuse Awareness Month
Every year an estimated 5 million, or 1 in 10 older Americans experience physical, mental, and financial elder abuse, neglect, or exploitation. The COVID Crisis has increased isolation for older and dependent adults, likely causing unreported instances of concerns from neighbors and others. Individuals and community-wide prevention efforts and supportive services can help keep older adults safe and healthy, helping stop abuse before it happens. Read full story
Chanate News Update
Update on activities associated with the Chanate campus since the outbreak of Covid 19. Read full story
Use of the Carotid Hold Banned by Sonoma County Sheriff's Office, effective immediately
I am pleased to announce that the Sonoma County Sheriff’s Office (SCSO) has banned the use of the carotid hold effective immediately. Read full story
Datos de casos locales respaldan esperadas aperturas bajo la nueva orden de salud
La Oficial de Salud del condado de Sonoma emitió hoy una nueva orden que permite servicios basados en la fe, compras minoristas en interiores y restaurantes, salones de belleza/peluquerías y actividades comerciales recreativas al aire libre y alquiler de equipos. La apertura de todos los sectores empresariales deberá seguir las medidas de mitigación. Read full story
Estado Pública Guías para Condados con Variación paraMover a la Etapa Tres a su Propia Discreción
Hoy, el Departamento de Salud Pública de California (por sus siglas en inglés, CDPH) publicó una guía para los condados con variación, que incluye el Condado de Sonoma, para pasar a la Etapa Tres y permitir que otros sectores operen durante la pandemia del coronavirus (COVID-19) tan pronto como el viernes 12 de junio de 2020. Read full story
Local Case Data Supports Long Awaited Openings in New Health Order
Sonoma County’s Health Officer issued a new Order on today allowing in-person faith based services, indoor retail shopping and dining, hair salons/barbershops, and outdoor recreation business activities and equipment rental. Read full story
State Releases Guidancefor Counties with Variance to Move Stage Three at Their Own Discretion
California Department of Public Health (CDPH) released guidance for counties with variance, which includes Sonoma County, to go to Stage Three and allow further sectors to operate during the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) as soon as Friday June 12, 2020. Read full story
Message From County Administrator
Yesterday, George Floyd’s family said goodbye forever to theman they loved. George died as a police officer planted a knee onto hisneck for several minutes cutting off his ability to breathe and ultimatelykilling him, while he laid face down on the street in handcuffs. Read full story
El Condado de Sonoma inicia la prueba de anticuerpos COVID-19 solo paraciertos grupos
A partir del sábado 6 dejunio de 2020, el Condado de Sonoma examinará a ciertos individuos paradetectar anticuerpos contra el nuevo coronavirus (COVID-19). Read full story
County of Sonoma Begins COVID-19 Antibody Testing for Certain Groups Only
Beginning Saturday, June 6, 2020, the County of Sonoma will test certain individuals for antibodies to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). Testing will be performed daily at the Public Health Lab in Santa Rosa, with plans for strategically expanding this service at select hospitals and health centers in the county. Read full story