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June 23, 2020 | County Administrator's Office

County of Sonoma and Secure Families Collaborative toContinue Supporting Local DREAMers in Finding Alternative Immigration ReliefOptions

The County of Sonoma andthe Secure Families Collaborative stand in support of the recent Supreme Courtdecision to block the Trump administration’s attempt to terminate the DeferredAction for Childhood Arrivals program, DACA. Read full story

June 18, 2020 | County Administrator's Office

Nueva Orden de Salud alinea elCondado con el Estado, abre más sectores del comercio

Una nueva Orden de Salud, queentrará en vigencia el viernes 19 de junio a las 12:01 a.m., afloja másrestricciones y permite que se reabran más negocios y se reanuden másactividades. Read full story

June 18, 2020 | County Administrator's Office

New Health Order AlignsCounty with State; Opens More Business Sectors

A new health order, slated togo into effect at 12:01 a.m. Friday, June 19, relaxes morerestrictions and allows more businesses and activities to resume. Read full story

June 18, 2020 | Community Development Commission

Project-Based Voucher Waitlist on 4-Bedroom Units in Healdsburg, CA Open

The Sonoma County Housing Authority is accepting applications for its Project-Based Voucher Waitlist tied to 4-bedroom units at Riverfield Homes in Healdsburg, CA. Read full story

June 18, 2020 | Community Development Commission

Abre una Lista de Espera para un Vale de Proyecto Basado para unidadesde 4-recamaras en Healdsburg, CA

La Autoridad de Vivienda del Condado de Sonoma aceptará solicitudes desde el 6 de enero al 7 de febrero de 2020 para una nueva Lista de Espera para un Vale de Proyecto Basado atado a unidades de 4-recamaras en Riverfield Homes en Healdsburg, CA. Read full story

June 12, 2020 | County Administrator's Office

El Condadode Sonoma Amplía las Pruebas de Anticuerpos para Incluir a Trabajadoresde Salud

Apartir de hoy, las pruebas de anticuerpos ahora están disponibles para lostrabajadores de salud del condado de Sonoma. El Condado de Sonoma continúaofreciendo pruebas de anticuerpos para personal de primeros auxilios, policía ybomberos, y miembros de la comunidad que dieron positivo para COVID-19 hace almenos tres semanas. Read full story

June 12, 2020 | County Administrator's Office

County of Sonoma Expands Antibody Testing to Include Healthcare Workers

Beginning today antibody testing is now available for Sonoma County healthcare workers. The County of Sonoma continues to offer antibody testing for first responders, police and fire personnel, and community members who tested positive for COVID-19 at least three weeks ago. Read full story

June 12, 2020 | Sonoma Public Infrastructure

County Center Drive Construction – No Traffic Interruption

When: June 15 – late July 2020. County Center Dr. will remain open in both directions, and no significant delays or impacts to through access are anticipated. Any intermittent traffic control, when necessary, will be facilitated by the contractor. Read full story

June 12, 2020 | Human Resources Department

Important Information About Face Coverings

As on-site activities increase, it is extremely important that all employees follow the rules regarding the requirement to wear a face covering. Read full story

June 11, 2020 | Sonoma Public Infrastructure

County to Invite Brokerage Firms to Help Sell Chanate Property

On June 9th, the Board approved issuing the invitation for approved brokerages to present a Marketing Proposal to represent the County as its listing agent in the sale of the County's Chanate Property on the private market. Read full story