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January 10, 2022 | County Administrator's Office

La Oficial de Saluddel Condado de Sonoma emite un llamado a los residentes para que de maneravoluntaria se queden en casa; restrinjan las reuniones grandes

Debido al rápido incremento de los casos de COVID que se está dando en la comunidad, la Dra. Sundari Mase, Oficial de Salud del Condado de Sonoma, emitió hoy un llamado a los residentes para que se queden en casa lo más posible durante los próximos 30 días y limiten sus interacciones con aquellos que no sean de su familia inmediata. Read full story

January 10, 2022 | County Administrator's Office

SonomaCounty Health Officer issues appeal for residents to voluntarily stay home;restricts large gatherings

Due to the rapid rise of COVID cases surging through the community,Sonoma County Health Officer Dr. Sundari Mase today issued an appeal toresidents to stay home as much as possible for the next 30 days and limitinteractions with those outside of their immediate household. Read full story

January 07, 2022 | County Administrator's Office

Weekly Roundup for Jan. 7, 2022

Today’s digest provides helpful andimportant updates on the following: 1) Upgrade your mask, health officialsurge; 2) What to do if you contract COVID-19; 3) Pfizer booster authorized for12- to 15-year-olds; 4) Reporting health order violations on face coverings; 5)New state rules for visitors to hospitals, long-term care settings; 6) Vaccine& testing opportunities in Sonoma County; 7) COVID-19 community resources& support; 8) Other news items from County of Sonoma Read full story

January 07, 2022 | Department of Child Support Services

Did you know you can open a caseonline or by phone?

Did you know you can open a caseonline or by phone?Watch this short video on how to open a case Read full story

January 06, 2022 | Department of Child Support Services

¿Sabía que puede abrir un casoen línea o por teléfono?

¿Sabía que puede abrir un caso en línea o por teléfono?Vea este breve video sobre cómo abrir un caso Read full story

January 05, 2022 | Board of Supervisors Department

Community engagement is what makes our rural communities work

Driving through the rain in West County can be an adventure at times.... Read full story

January 05, 2022 | County Administrator's Office

Ten-year update on Long Term Roads Plan shows improvements, ongoing investment needed for Pavement Preservation Program

Officials with the County of Sonoma Department of Transportation and Public Works today provided an update to the Board of Supervisors regarding the county’s Pavement Preservation Program and Long Term Roads Plan, consistent with the Resilient Infrastructure pillar of the county’s Five-Year Strategic Plan to make critical investments in the county road network. Read full story

January 05, 2022 | Department of Health Services

Covid updates: Vaccination during pregnancy talking points, new booster requirements and isolations guidelines.

Local, State and CDC Covid updates for the perinatal community. New MCH vaccination in pregnancy talking points, the difference between antigen and PCR tests. Will Covid become endemic? Is Covid causing developmental delays in kids? Read full story

January 03, 2022 | Department of Health Services

Sonoma CountyContinuum of Care (CoC) Board 2022 Elections

The Sonoma County CoC Board is the decision-making body of the Sonoma County Continuum of Care. The Sonoma County Continuum of Care addresses the problems of housing and homelessness by having a countywide, community-informed, and person-centered CoC system that is compassionate, inclusive, financially responsible, equitable, coordinated, and outcomes based. Nominations are hereby invited for five (5) seats to be chosen by eligible CoC voters at the CoC Quarterly Membership meeting on March 2, 2022 at 1:00pm – 4:00pm. Nominations and Statement of Interest forms will be accepted until February 23rd at 5:00pm. Read full story

December 30, 2021 | County Administrator's Office

Los oficiales de salud del Condado de Sonoma emiten una advertencia por congelamiento

El Condado de Sonoma está emitiendo una advertencia de congelamiento en respuesta al pronóstico del Servicio Meteorológico Nacional de temperaturas bajo cero en la noche, que se esperan en la mañana del viernes 31 de diciembre al lunes 3 de enero. Se espera que las temperaturas bajen a los 20 y 30 grados superiores en la mayoría de las áreas. Los oficiales recomiendan que los residentes limiten el tiempo afuera, porque padecimientos médicos que incluyen la hipotermia y el congelamiento, se pueden desarrollar con una exposición prolongada al frio. Read full story