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Board of Supervisors Department

Springs Municipal Advisory Council

Membership & Terms

Springs MAC 750

The membership of the Springs Municipal Advisory Council shall be seven members.

Requirements for membership include: members must reside or own a business within the boundaries of the Municipal Advisory Council, and be 18 years of age or older. There are no requirements for property ownership or citizenship. Ideal candidates will create a diverse composition representative of the Spring MAC community.

The District Supervisor may select members based on the following criteria:

  1. To provide well rounded representation, the following groups within the MAC Boundaries have representation on the MAC:
    • the Sonoma Valley Unified School District (SVUSD)
    • the Sonoma Valley Citizens Advisory Commission (SVCAC)
    • the business community
    • and the community at large.
  2. The Springs MAC will have the following representation:
    • Sonoma Valley Unified School District: one representative
    • Sonoma Valley Citizens Advisory Commission: one representative
    • Business Community: one representative
    • At Large: four representatives, two alternates

Apply for a vacant position

Membership Composition

9 total: 7 Commissioners, 2 Alternates.

Name Membership Title Email Term Start Term Expire
Maite Iturri At Large-Voting Chair 3/19/2023 3/19/2025
Iris Lombard At Large-Voting 7/9/2024 7/9/2026
Maricarmen Reyes At Large-Voting 6/17/2024 6/17/2026
Gil Dong At Large-Voting 1/23/2024 1/23/2026
Celeste Winders At Large-Voting Vice chair 5/25/2024 5/25/2026
Lindsay Norman SVCAC Liaision 1/23/2024 1/23/2026
Teresita Fernandez At Large-Voting 7/9/2024 7/9/2026
Vacant Alternate
Vacant Alternate
County Staff
Betzy Chavez Field Representative SMAC