Accounting Forms
Supplier Forms
Supplier Request Form is used by Auditor’s Office Supplier Desk to add a Supplier to the County accounting system by assigning a Supplier number.
IRS Form W-9 Required when establishing new vendor with payment of $600 or more.
CA Form 587 OR CA Form 590 Out of State suppliers must submit one of these forms (to determine if nonresident withholding of 7% applies).
- For additional information please review the Instructions for Form 587.
Governmental Forms
Fiscal Year End Information Packet
Fiscal Year End Meeting Presentation Handouts
Guidelines for Travel Expenses: These are guidelines for determining Reasonable Meal Per Diem and Lodging Expense for County Travel.
Authorization for Travel and Expense: First half of this form is filled out prior to travel with estimates of cost, and approved by supervisor and department head. After travel, the actual expenses are added to the form, receipts are attached, and all is submitted as voucher support.
Budgetary Adjustment Request Form – Special Districts (EFS): This form is used when requesting a change to an adopted budget. Per transaction type, this form is submitted with back-up to CAO, Purchasing Agent, requesting department, and/or Auditor’s Office.
Check Cancel & Reissue Form: This form must be submitted to the Auditor’s Office before a County check can be cancelled or re-issued.
Chartfield Request Form- Fund/Department: This form is used to request a new fund and/or department.
Chartfield Request Form- Account: This form is used to request a new account.
Discharge from Accountability Form: This form is for departments/agencies/districts to submit requests for discharge of accountability from collection of money owed to the County in accordance with Fiscal Policy B-1.
Fixed Asset Addition Form: This form is required as support for fixed asset equipment purchases and for verifying asset information in the EFS Asset Management Module.
Fixed Assets Adjustments Form: This form is used for the disposal or transfer of fixed assets or to request a new tag decal.
Lost Check Affidavit: This form is used to report a lost or stolen County check.
Notice of Completion: This form is used to report Capital Asset WIP or CIP project placed in service that will either establish or add value to an existing Capital Asset.
Request for Reimbursement Form: This form is to be included as voucher support for all employee reimbursements, excluding travel, such as DERP and payments made to petty cash custodian.