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March 07, 2022 | County Administrator's Office

County accepting applications for American Rescue Plan Act funding through April 7

Sonoma County has opened the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Notice of Funding Availability process to accept applications for ARPA funding through April 7. The county has allocated $34 million to support community resilience programs that address community needs identified as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. The county is prioritizing applications that address systemic public health and economic challenges contributing to the unequal impact of the pandemic on certain populations. Read full story

February 28, 2022 | Sonoma County Regional Parks

Local parks tax supports $8.3 million in improvements

In the 2020-21 fiscal year, county and municipal park agencies throughout Sonoma County used more than $8.3 million in Measure M – Parks for All funds to expand parklands by nearly 2,500 acres, increase public access to programs and events and adopt a “climate durable” approach to rebuilding parks that have experienced wildfires. Read full story

February 28, 2022 | County Administrator's Office

La Junta de Supervisores va a sostener un foro sobre el Acta TRUTH para revisar los datos de la Oficina del Alguacil sobre el acceso de ICE

Los residentes del Condado de Sonoma están invitados a participar en un foro comunitario en línea para conocer acerca del acceso a los reclusos y a la información que la Oficina del Alguacil les proporciona a las autoridades federales de migración. Esta reunión pública es exigida por una ley estatal que entró en vigor en 2017. Read full story

February 28, 2022 | County Administrator's Office

Board of Supervisors to hold TRUTH Act forum to review Sheriff’s Office data on ICE access

Sonoma County residents are invited to participate in an online community forum to learn about the access to inmates and the information that the Sheriff’s Office provides to federal immigration authorities. This public meeting is required under a state law that went into effect in 2017. Read full story

February 28, 2022 | Sonoma Public Infrastructure

Sonoma County and ForeFront Power Complete a 963 kilowatt Solar Energy Portfolio at Airport and Nearby Fleet Facility

The County of Sonoma has partnered with ForeFront Power, a leading developer and asset manager of commercial and industrial-scale solar energy and storage projects, to build a 963 kilowatt (kW) solar energy portfolio at Charles M. Schulz-Sonoma County Airport (STS), as well as at the Sonoma County Fleet Operations Building at 709 Russell Avenue in Santa Rosa. Read full story

February 25, 2022 | Human Resources Department

<p>CHR Statement onDavid Ward</p>

The Commission on Human Rights would like to express not only our sincerest condolences to the family and friends of David Ward, but additionally include our solidarity in seeking justice for the wrongful killing of Mr. Ward. As reported by the Press Democrat on February 2, 2022, jurors found Sonoma County Sheriff's Deputy Charles Blount not guilty of involuntary manslaughter and assault by a Peace Officer. Blount has been acquitted from all charges. Read full story

February 25, 2022 | Human Resources Department

<p>Holocaust MemorialVandalism Statement </p>

<span style="color: rgb(34, 34, 34); font-size: 13.3333px;">The Sonoma County Commission on Human Rights (SCCHR) stands in solidarity with the Jewish Community of Sonoma County against racism and xenophobia of any and all circumstances. The holocaust in Europe in the 1930s and 1940s stands as one of the greatest genocides in history with nearly 12 million people perishing with 6 million of those being people of Jewish origin.</span> Read full story

February 22, 2022 | County Administrator's Office

Los oficiales de salud del Condado de Sonoma emiten una advertencia por clima frío

El Condado de Sonoma está emitiendo una advertencia por clima frío en respuesta a la predicción del Servicio Meteorológico Nacional de temperaturas abajo del punto de congelación en las noches del martes 22 de febrero al viernes 25 de febrero. Se espera que las temperaturas caigan entre los altos 20s y los 30 grados para la mayoría de las áreas. Las temperaturas frías afectarán a los desamparados y a aquellos que no tengan la calefacción adecuada. Read full story

February 22, 2022 | County Administrator's Office

One millionth dose of COVID-19 vaccine administered in Sonoma County

One million doses of COVID-19 vaccine have now been administered in Sonoma County, a new milestone in the 14-month-long campaign to strengthen residents’ immune systems against the deadly virus. The county Department of Health Services announced today that a total of 1,000,594 doses of Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson vaccines have been administered in Sonoma County since the vaccination campaign began in December 2020. That includes first, second and booster doses. Read full story

February 22, 2022 | County Administrator's Office

Sonoma County health officials issue cold weather warning

The County of Sonoma is issuing a cold weather warning in response to the National Weather Service’s prediction of freezing overnight temperatures on Tuesday, Feb. 22 through Friday, Feb. 25. Temperatures are expected to drop to the upper 20s and 30s for most areas. Cold temperatures will impact the homeless and those without adequate heating. Read full story