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November 07, 2018 | Board of Supervisors Department

El Condado de Sonoma responde ante posibles cortes eléctricos de PG&E de manera anticipada

El Condado de Sonoma esta preparado responder ante posibles cortes eléctricos de PG&E en algunas áreas del condado. PG&E notificó al Condado sobre la posible activación de sus protocolos de seguridad pública que incluyen suspensiones del servicio eléctrico en áreas rurales del noreste del condado por las próximas 24 horas debido a inclemencias del clima. Read full story

November 07, 2018 | Natural Resources

Army Corps of Engineers approves request toallow more winter storage in Lake Mendocino

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) will allow additional water tobe stored in Lake Mendocino during this winter’s rainy season to improve watersupply reliability and environmental conditions in the Russian River, whilecontinuing to ensure flood management capacity of the reservoir. Read full story

November 06, 2018 | Office of the District Attorney

Man Convicted of Kidnapping and Multiple Sex Offenses of 12-Year-Old Child

Defendant TimothyMarble, 52 years old of Napa County, was found guilty yesterday afternoon by aSonoma County jury of committing multiple felony sex offenses against a 12 yearold Napa County girl. Read full story

November 02, 2018 | Natural Resources

“Wastewater Woman” Joins theFight Against Grease, Wipes and Unwanted Meds

Something as simple as flushing the toilet can causebig problems. Just ask your local wastewater treatment plant worker. Read full story

October 31, 2018 | Sonoma County Regional Parks

Free Parking for Veterans on 2018 Holiday Weekend

In honor of Veterans Day, military members and veterans willreceive free parking at all Sonoma County Regional Parks for the upcomingholiday weekend. Passes are available in advance atSonomaCounty Regional Parks’ main office and SonomaCounty Veterans Service Office and from Nov. 3 through the holiday weekend at the staffed entrances to SpringLake, Doran and Ragle Ranch parks. Read full story

October 30, 2018 | Sonoma Public Infrastructure

County of Sonoma OfficialsInaugurate Innovative Traffic Warning Sign

County of Sonoma Department of Transportation and Public Works officials along with representatives of District Four Supervisor and Chairman of the Board of Supervisors, James Gore, and representatives of District Five Supervisor, Lynda Hopkins, will be joined by Sebastopol artist Patrick Amiot and members of the public for a special gathering to inaugurate the new Laughlin Road Artistic Warning Sign on Wednesday, October 31 at 9 a.m. Read full story

October 30, 2018 | Department of Health Services

Sonoma County High Schools Reduce Carbon Footprint During Commute

Efforts to shift school commutes away fromsingle-rider trips to more sustainable modes of transportation, such aswalking, bicycling, carpooling, and public transit are making a difference at12 Sonoma County high schools. Read full story

October 26, 2018 | Office of the District Attorney

DefendantSentenced to 6 Years in Prison for Child Molest Convictions

DefendantGuadalupe Barragan-Zepeda, 52 years-old of Santa Rosa, was sentenced on ThursdayOctober 25, 2018 by the Honorable Judge Robert LaForge to 6 years prison afterhaving pled no contest in September of this year to three felony sexual assaultcharges. Read full story

October 25, 2018 | Economic Development Collaborative

New Individual ProfessionalAdvancement Grants for Artists Announced

Creative Sonoma, a division ofSonoma County’s Economic Development Board, announces a new grant in continuedsupport of Sonoma County artists who were affected by the Wildfires in 2017. Read full story

October 24, 2018 | Economic Development Collaborative

Sonoma County Economic Development Board Wins IEDC Silver Award for #GoSoCo Campaign

2018-10-24 false Immediate Sonoma County Economic Develoopment Board Wins Silver Award for #GoSoCo Campaign Santa Rosa CA The Sonoma County Economic Development Board received an Excellence in Economic Development Silver Award forits “ #GoSoCo – All You Need Is Local” PostWildfire Read full story