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March 15, 2019 | Sonoma County Regional Parks

Regional Parks, Partners Host March 30 Tolay LakeDedication

The public is invited to celebrate the dedication of Tolay Lake Regional Park from10:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, March 30, 2019. The free event will featurespeakers, guided hikes, cultural demonstrations, children’s activities, foodand music, and is hosted by Sonoma County Regional Parks, Federated Indians ofGraton Rancheria, Sonoma Land Trust, Sonoma County Ag + Open Space and SonomaCounty Regional Parks Foundation. Read full story

March 14, 2019 | Department of Human Services

Free April 17 Job Fair Matches Local Employers and Job Seekers

Sonoma County employers from all industries can meet qualified job seekers at a free local job fair hosted by Sonoma County Job Link and the Workforce Investment Board (WIB). Both job seekers and employers can sign up to attend the Wednesday, April 17 job fair, held 11 a.m.–2p.m., at Job Link, 2227 Capricorn Way, Suite 100, Santa Rosa. Read full story

March 13, 2019 | Department of Human Services

¡Protéjase!Mejore su equilibrio, prevenga las caídas en un Entrenamiento Gratis

Lo invitamos a asistir a una serie de 8 clases basadas en el programa reconocido nacionalmente, A Matter of Balance: Managing Concerns about Falls (Cuestión de Equilibrio: Manejando Preocupaciones sobre las Caídas). Santa Rosa, California Read full story

March 13, 2019 | Department of Human Services

Train to Coach Older Adults Prevent Falls June 3

Volunteers can help older adult increase their safety, balance, strength and confidence on their feet by training as a certified coach on June 3 with the nationally acclaimed program, A Matter of Balance: Managing Concerns about Falls. Santa Rosa, California. Read full story

March 13, 2019 | Department of Human Services

Protect Yourself! Improve Balance, Prevent Falls at FreeTrainings

Older adults can improve balance, flexibility and strength and get helpful tips to make home safer by attending a free, eight-class series based on the nationally acclaimed program, A Matter of Balance: Managing Concerns about Falls. Near Santa Rosa, CA. Read full story

March 12, 2019 | Office of the District Attorney

No Criminal Charges Filed Against PG&E Related to the October 2017 NorthernCalifornia Wildfires

Sonoma CountyDistrict Attorney Jill Ravitch, along with the District Attorneys for Napa,Humboldt and Lake Counties, announced today that no criminal charges would befiled against PG&E related to the October 2017 Northern Californiawildfires. After an extensive review, each office determined that insufficientevidence exists to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that PG&E acted with areckless disregard for human life in causing the fires, the standard necessaryto sustain criminal charges. Read full story

March 08, 2019 | Office of the District Attorney

Defendant Convicted Of Bomb Threat TargetingHomosexual Barista

DefendantVincent Joseph O’Sullivan, 56 years old of Guerneville, was found guilty by ajury Wednesday afternoon of criminally threatening to bomb the Safeway grocery storein Guerneville, CA. The jury further found that this threat constituted a hatecrime in that O’Sullivan made this threat in part because his targeted victimwas homosexual. Read full story

March 08, 2019 | County Administrator's Office

Local Assistance Center to Close in Guerneville

The Local Assistance Center (LAC) in Guerneville, established to help residents impacted by the winter storms and floods in the Russian River area last week, will close on Saturday March 9, 2019. Read full story

March 08, 2019 | County Administrator's Office

Centro de Asistencia Local en Guerneville a cerrarse

El Centro de Asistencia Local (LAC) en Guerneville, creado para ayudar a los residentes afectados por las tormentas de invierno y las inundaciones en el área del río Russian la semana pasada, cerrará el sábado, 9 de marzo 2019. Read full story

March 07, 2019 | Board of Supervisors Department

Board of Supervisors to Consider Appointment of Independent Office of Law Enforcement Review and Outreach Director

The Sonoma County Board of Supervisors will consider theappointment of a Sonoma County private attorney to fulfill the role as the newdirector of the Independence Office of Law Enforcement Review and Outreach(IOLERO). Read full story