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April 02, 2019 | Department of Human Services

Los Beneficios de CalFresh llegan el 1 de mayo; Los beneficios de abril fueron añadidos en marzo

Los Beneficios de CalFresh llegan el 1 de mayo; Los beneficios de abril fueron añadidos en marzo. Read full story

April 02, 2019 | Department of Human Services

May CalFresh Benefits to Arrive May 1; April Benefits Added March 22

The State of California will issue May CalFresh benefits in a single day on May 1. April benefits were added early, on March 22. Santa Rosa, CA. Read full story

March 29, 2019 | Human Resources Department

Hand to Heart: Junior Commission on Human Rights announces Food andHygiene Drive for Sonoma County’s Victims of Homelessness

Hand to Heart: Junior Commission on Human Rights announces Food andHygiene Drive for Sonoma County’s Victims of Homelessness Read full story

March 27, 2019 | Office of the District Attorney

Santa Rosa Man Sentenced for Double Murder

DefendantDalton James Carlson, 33 years old of Santa Rosa, was sentenced today by theHonorable Robert LaForge to serve 75 years-to-life in state prison for killinghis wife Jessica Carlson and his father Dale Carlson after having pled nocontest in February to two counts of first degree murder, and a firearmenhancement. Read full story

March 26, 2019 | County Administrator's Office

Sonoma County Moves Forwardto Restructure Fire Services

OnTuesday March 19, 2019 the Board of Supervisors voted unanimously to enterseveral agreements that will move forward restructuring efforts of fireservices in Sonoma County. Read full story

March 21, 2019 | County Administrator's Office

Curbside Flood Debris Collection Program Comes to anEnd

A month after Sonoma County was hit by a storm that caused historical floods, the Curbside Flood Debris Collection Program established in response to that disaster will come to an end. Read full story

March 20, 2019 | Office of the District Attorney

Santa Rosa Man Sentenced on DUI Murder

DistrictAttorney Jill Ravitch has announced that defendant Jose Manuel Lopez-Perez, 26years-old of Santa Rosa, was sentenced today to 21 years to life in prison byJudge Robert LaForge following his convictions for 2nd Degree Murderand Gross Vehicular Manslaughter while Intoxicated. Read full story

March 18, 2019 | Office of the District Attorney

Raley’s Settles Civil ConsumerProtection Action

DistrictAttorney Jill Ravitch announced today that Raley’s, the owner and operator ofRaley’s Supermarkets, agreed to a Stipulated Judgment, resolving a consumerprotection action filed by her office in conjunction with the DistrictAttorneys of Sacramento, Santa Clara and Shasta Counties. Read full story

March 18, 2019 | Department of Human Services

FreeLGBT+ Awareness Training for Caregivers Starts April 11

2019-03-18 false Immediate FreeLGBT+ Awareness Training for Caregivers Starts April 11 Santa Rosa CA Caregivers are invited to improve their skills by attending one of eight, free, LGBT+ Awareness Trainings through November hosted by the IHSS Public Authority, Sonoma County Area Age Read full story

March 18, 2019 | Department of Human Services

Capacitación Gratuita Sobre Concienciaciónde LGBT+ para Cuidadores

Los cuidadores están invitados a mejorar sus habilidades asistiendo a una de las ocho capacitaciones gratuitas de Concientización Sobre LGBT+ hasta noviembre. Los programas gratuitos capacitarán y certificarán a 180 proveedores de atención médica sobre cómo mejorar los servicios para adultos mayores LGBT+ del Condado de Sonoma y adultos con discapacidades LGBT+. Santa Rosa, California Read full story