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<p>County begins mailingvote-by-mail ballots for Nov. 2 election</p><p> </p>
<span style="font-family: Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 11pt;">The Sonoma County Registrar of Voters this week beganmailing vote-by-mail ballots for the Nov. 2, 2021</span> Read full story
<p>La alianza para elahorro de agua de Sonoma-Marin (Sonoma-Marin Saving Water Partnership) presentaun nuevo sitio web </p><p> </p>
<span style="color: rgb(34, 34, 34); font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 12px;">La alianza para el ahorro de agua de Sonoma-Marin (Alianza), una colaboración de 13 proveedores de agua en los condados de Sonoma y Marin, ha presentado un nuevo diseño de sitio web que espera que aumente el conocimiento de los varios programas y mensajes de conservación del agua de la Alianza.</span><span style="color: rgb(34, 34, 34); font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 12px;"> </span> Read full story
<p>Sonoma-Marin Saving Water Partnership Unveils New Website </p><p> </p>
<span style="color: rgb(34, 34, 34); font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 12px;">The Sonoma-Marin Saving Water Partnership (Partnership), a collaboration of 13 water utilities in Sonoma and Marin counties, has unveiled a new website design it hopes will increase awareness of the Partnership’s many water conservation programs and messages.</span> Read full story
El Oficial de Salud del Condado de Sonoma exige la vacuna contra la influenza para los trabajadores en cuidados de la salud y la recomienda para el público en general
La Dra. Sundari Mase, Oficial de Salud del Condado de Sonoma, emitió hoy una orden de salud exigiéndoles a los trabajadores de ciertas instalaciones de cuidados de salud y de residencia grupal que se vacunen contra la influenza. Read full story
Sonoma CountyHealth Officer requires flu shots for health care workers, recommends them forpublic
Sonoma County Health Officer Dr. Sundari Mase today issued a health order requiring workers at certain health care and congregate facilities to get vaccinated against influenza. Read full story
Debris removal program clears final parcels after 2020wildfires
State and local officials announced today the completion of major wildfire debris removal operations on 243 parcels in Sonoma County associated with the 2020 LNU Lightning Complex and Glass fires. Read full story
<p>Release of Final Draft GroundwaterSustainability Plans and Opportunity to Comment at Upcoming Community Meetings </p><p> </p>
<span style="color: rgb(34, 34, 34); font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 12px;">Sonoma County’s three groundwater sustainability agencies, Petaluma Valley, Sonoma Valley and Santa Rosa Plain, are releasing the Final Draft Groundwater Sustainability Plans (GSPs) on October 1. </span> Read full story
<p>Man sentenced to more than twelve years in prison for stalking and threatening ex-girlfriend </p>
<span style="color: rgb(34, 34, 34); font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 12px;">Jesse Boatman, 42 years old of Santa Rosa, was sentenced earlier today by the Honorable Robert LaForge to serve 12 years and 4 months in state prison after pleading “no contest” in June of this year to felony charges of stalking and making criminal threats</span> Read full story
Publicación de Datos del Censo Estatal Desencadena Serie de Reuniones Públicas de Redistribución de Distritos del Condado de Sonoma
Con la publicación reciente de los datos del censo ajustados por el estado de California, el condado de Sonoma se está preparando para una serie de reuniones públicas de redistribución de distritos durante los próximos meses. Read full story
Sonoma County invests more than $6.5 million ingenerators to create safe havens, maintain services during emergencies
Bolstering its ability to deliver essential services to the public during emergencies, the County of Sonoma has completed the first phase of an initiative to install 13 large generators at major evacuation centers and other important public facilities. Read full story