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June 01, 2020 | Independent Office of Law Enforcement Review and Outreach

IOLERO's Response to your Concerns - News and more...

In this issue of IOLERO’S newsletter, we respond to communityconcerns regarding the Sheriff’s decision not to enforce the Orders of Sonoma County’sHealth Officer, discuss our work with the Community Advisory Council (CAC) on the study of the use offorce and de-escalation policies of all 58 Sheriff's Offices in California,plans for our Community-Oriented Policing Project, and our efforts to expandIOLERO’s presence in the community. Read full story

May 28, 2020 | Office of the District Attorney

FEMA Fraud

We have received reports that fraudulentapplications are being filed for FEMA relief. If you believe that you are thevictim of disaster relief fraud associated with FEMA, please report the frauddirectly to the FEMA Fraud Branch Read full story

May 28, 2020 | Department of Health Services

Public Notice-Recology Sonoma Marin Facility May 28 2020

The Sonoma County Environmental Health Department, Solid WasteManagement Program, Acting As The Local Enforcement Agency (Lea) Is CertifiedBy The Department Of Resources Recycling And Recovery (Calrecycle) To EnforceState Laws And Regulations At Solid Waste Sites Within Its Jurisdiction. Read full story

May 28, 2020 | Department of Health Services

Aviso Publico-Recology Sonoma Marin May 28 2020

El Departamento de Salud Ambiental del Condado de Sonoma, Programa de Gestión de Desperdicios Sólidos, que actúa como Agencia de Control Local (LEA) está certificado por el Departamento de Reciclaje y Recuperación de Recursos (CalRecycle) para hacer cumplir las leyes y regulaciones estatales en los sitios de desechos sólidos dentro de su jurisdicción. Read full story

May 27, 2020 | Independent Office of Law Enforcement Review and Outreach

A message from IOLERO

We are sending out this brief message to provide you with the invitation to the Community Advisory Council (CAC) meeting on June 1 and also to announce the untimely passing of one of our esteemed colleagues. Read full story

May 22, 2020 | Human Resources Department

Message From County Administrator

Now that the County is in the initial stages of the second Phase of the Governor’s four-step plan for gradual reopening, a number of lower risk workplaces identified in the Health Officer’s recent amendment to the Shelter in Place Order are allowed to resume operations. Read full story

May 15, 2020 | Sonoma Public Infrastructure

Amendedand Restated Solid Waste Collection Franchise Agreement

The Board of Supervisors will consider amending the Solid Waste Collection Franchise Agreement with Recology Sonoma Marin. Read full story

May 14, 2020 | Human Resources Department

Message From County Administrator

As we approach the secondmonth of sheltering in place, many of you may be asking how soon we will beable to return to some form of normalcy. Truly getting back to any resemblanceof normal will be a slow process and much of it will be guided by the Governor’sPandemic Resilience Roadmapand key health indicators. Read full story

May 13, 2020 | Human Resources Department

Public Service Recognition Week 2020

PublicService Recognition Week is celebrated annually during the first week of May.This national recognition week encourages government at all levels to promotegovernment employees and careers, educate the public about the value of publicservants and the services they provide, recognize excellence in public service,and promote the spirit of public service Read full story

May 08, 2020 | Permit Sonoma

Expedited Plan Review Program

Permit Sonoma has suspended our Expedited Plan Review Program. Read full story