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April 12, 2022 Timeline Calendar

Sonoma County Voting

Special Election

Start DateDeadlineEvent
12/20/2021 Candidate nominations filing period opens (Town of Windsor)
 1/14/2022Candidate nominations filing period closes (Town of Windsor)
 1/14/2022Consolidation deadline, measures
 1/14/2022Deadline for governing bodies to submit measures
 1/14/2022Tax rate statements deadline (bond measures)
1/17/2022* Measure letter assignments
1/17/2022* Random alphabet drawing
 1/19/2022Deadline for governing bodies to amend/withdraw measures
 1/21/2022Argument deadline
 1/21/2022Impartial analysis due
 1/28/2022Rebuttal deadline (only if opposing arguments are filed)
2/11/2022 First day ballots may be mailed to voters registered as military/overseas
 2/26/2022Deadline for first wave of military/overseas ballots to go out
3/3/2022 First day County Voter Information Guides may be mailed
3/14/2022 Voting by mail opens; first day voters can pick up Vote-by-Mail ballots at Registrar of Voters Office
3/14/2022 First day Registrar of Voters may begin to process Vote-by-Mail (VBM) ballots may be processed
3/15/2022 Official Ballot Drop Boxes open
 3/28/2022Standard voter registration deadline
3/29/2022 Conditional (a.k.a. late) voter registration period opens (must be in person)
4/2/2022 4/11/202211-Day Vote Centers are open daily from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
 4/5/2022Last day to request a ballot be mailed
4/9/20224/11/20224-Day Vote Centers are open daily from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
4/12/2022 Election Day: 11-Day and 4-Day Vote Centers are open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.
 4/12/2022Official Ballot Drop Boxes close at 8 p.m.
 4/12/2022Conditional (a.k.a. late) voter registration period closes at 8 p.m. (must be in person)
 4/19/2022Last day Registrar of Voters Office can accept Vote-by-Mail ballots postmarked no later than 4/12/2022
 5/12/2022Deadline to certify election results

*Dates that fall on a Saturday, Sunday, or County holiday, use the next regular business day for transactions.

A complete list of all County holidays during this period is as follows: December 24, 2021 (Christmas Day - Observed); December 31, 2021 (New Year's Day - Observed); January 17, 2022 (Martin Luther King, Jr. Day); February 11, 2022 (Lincoln’s Birthday); February 21, 2022 (Presidents’ Day); March 31, 2022 (César Chávez Day).