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October 28, 2020 | Department of Human Services

Beneficios de alimentos por catástrofes ayudan a residentes y trabajadores afectados porlos Incendios Walbridge, Meyers y Complejo LNU

Residentes de bajos ingresos y trabajadores afectados por los incendios forestales del Complejo Walbridge / Meyers LNU pueden solicitar los beneficios para conseguir alimentos de CalFresh para Desastres, entre el miércoles 28 de octubre y el jueves 5 de noviembre de 2020, mediante la División de Asistencia Económica del Departamento de Servicios Humanos. Read full story

October 23, 2020 | Clerk-Recorder-Assessor-Registrar of Voters

Voters urged to return mail-in ballots early

Withthe November 3, 2020, Consolidated General Election rapidly approaching, Deva MarieProto, Sonoma County Clerk-Recorder-Assessor-Registrar of Voters, encouragesvoters to get their Vote-by-Mail ballots in early. Read full story

October 23, 2020 | County Administrator's Office

Sonoma County addedto Federal Major Disaster Declaration for Glass Fire

On Oct. 22, 2020, Governor Gavin Newsom announced that three additional counties – Napa, Shasta and Sonoma – had been added to the Major Disaster Declaration, initially approved by The White House on Oct 16, 2020, to bolster the state’s emergency response to wildfires across the state and support impacted residents. Read full story

October 23, 2020 | County Administrator's Office

El Condado de Sonoma se agrega a laDeclaración Federal de Catástrofe por el Incendio Glass

El 22 de octubre de 2020, el Gobernador GavinNewsom anunció que se habían agregado tres condados más, Napa, Shasta y Sonoma,a la Declaración de Catástrofe, inicialmente aprobada por la Casa Blanca el <a href="" title="16de octubre">16de octubre, para reforzar la respuesta del Estado a la emergencia generalizadade los incendios forestales y apoyar a los residentes damnificados. Read full story

October 23, 2020 | Human Resources Department

Message From County Administrator

On Tuesday, theBoard of Supervisors unanimously endorsed a suite of actions to slow the spreadof coronavirus by providing direct support to those most negatively impacted. Read full story

October 22, 2020 | Department of Health Services

ChildhoodLead Poisoning Prevention Week

October 25th through 31st is Childhood LeadPoisoning Prevention Week. This year’s statewide Lead Week message is “Evensmall amounts of lead can harm a child’s health. Read full story

October 21, 2020 | Independent Office of Law Enforcement Review and Outreach

Watchdog report: Sonoma County sheriff agrees to policy changes

The Sonoma County Sheriff’s Office has agreed to vastly expand training on implicit bias and crisis intervention, create and adopt an overarching de-escalation policy and launch an investigation into the accuracy of dispatch reports. Read full story

October 21, 2020 | Department of Human Services

Two Food Benefit Programs Aid Residents and Workers Affected by Recent Wildfires

Eligible Sonoma County individual and households can get help with financial recovery from Glass Fire and Walbridge/Meyers LNU Complex wildfire losses by applying for Disaster CalFresh food benefits with the Economic Assistance Division. Santa Rosa, CA. Read full story

October 21, 2020 | Department of Human Services

Dos programas benéficos de alimentos ayudan a residentes y trabajadores afectados por los recientes incendios forestales

Los residentes del Condado de Sonoma pueden conseguir ayuda para recuperarse económicamente de las pérdidas sufridas durante los incendios forestales Glass y Complejo LNU Walbridge/ Meyers solicitando dos programas gubernamentales que por tiempo limitado brindan los beneficios de alimentos para desastres de CalFresh a individuos y hogares elegibles. Read full story

October 20, 2020 | County Administrator's Office

More Personal CareServices Now Allowed to Operate Indoors with Modifications

The California Department of Public Health updated their guidelines today, allowing more personal care services to resume indoor operations with modifications Read full story