Board of Supervisors Department
Dry Creek Valley Citizens Advisory Council Meeting
Date: January 16, 2025
Time: 6:00 p.m.
Healdsburg Fire Station
Training Room
601 Healdsburg Avenue
Healdsburg, CA 95448
Google Maps™ Directions
Virtual Meeting via Zoom
Registration Required: No
- AGENDA-01-16-25 (PDF: 536.7 kB)
- DCVCAC-Unapproved-Minutes-10-17-24 (PDF: 214.9 kB)
- Unpproved-Minutes-01162025-lettersAttached (PDF: 1.9 MB)
Meetings are held on the third Thursday of each month at 6:00 PM at the Healdsburg Fire Station. Note that meetings are held only if there are project referrals from Permit Sonoma. Otherwise a notice of meeting cancellation will be posted.
- Opening
- Call to Order
- Roll Call
- Swearing in of New Councilmemfer—Dani Price
- Approval of Minutes: ACTION ITEMS:
Minutes of the 10-17-2024 meeting will be presented for approval at the next meeting - Public Comments: This time is set aside to receive comments from the public regarding matters of general interest not on the agenda, but related to DCVCAC business. Pursuant to the Brown Act, however, the DCVCAC cannot consider any issues or take action on any requests during this comment period. Each person is usually granted 3 minutes to speak; time limitations are at the discretion of the Chair. EACH SPEAKER SHOULD SIGN IN, AND INTRODUCE THEMSELVES INCLUDING STATING THEIR NAME AND ADDRESS, AND FILL OUT A SPEAKER FORM.
- Correspondence – New letter dated 11-11-24 pertaining to referrals will be included with the Minutes
- Councilmember Announcements and Disclosures
- Deferred Referral from Sonoma County PRMD: ACTION ITEM — Action if indicated
Continuation of consideration of proposed projects will proceed as follows:
1. Presentation by project applicant. 2. Questions by Councilmembers. 3. Questions and comments from the Public.
4. Response by applicant, if required. 5. Comments by Councilmembers. 6. Resolution, ACTION, if indicated.File Number: UPE24-0048
Applicant Name: Robert Mauritson
Owner Name: Robert Mauritson
Site Address: 3319 Dry Creek Road, Healdsburg
APN: 090-150-041
Project Description: Request for a Use Permit for a new 100,000-case winery on a 20.45-acre parcel including: construction of a new 16,264 sq. ft. production facility, including a 9,13 sq. ft. tank storage room, 2,304 sq. ft. barrel room, 2,304 sq. ft. goods storage room, an a 2,493 sq. ft. tasting room with approx.. 1,400 sq. f. outdoor porch/patio area; construction of a 4,608 sq. ft. covered crush pad; 24 agricultural promotional evets and 6 industry wide event days with a max of 50-300 guests; removal of an existing barn and two water wells; expansion of existing on-site access road and driveway entrance.
Zoning: LIA B620, RC50/25 SR VOH - Discussion Items:
ACTION ITEM – Action if indicated
Possible discussion items: Discuss items of significant interest on the calendar; discussion of General Plan
Update, etc. - Agenda Items: Potential projects for future meetings and suggestions for the next DCVCAC Meeting. Discussion.
- Adjournment: ACTION ITEM
Council meetings are the held the third Thursday of the month at:
Healdsburg Fire Station Training Room – 601 Healdsburg Avenue, Healdsburg, CA
or City of Healdsburg Council Chambers ‐ 401 Grove Street, Healdsburg, CA
SB 343 ‐ Documents Related to Open Session Agendas
Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the DCVCAC regarding any item on this agenda after the posting of this agenda and not otherwise exempt from disclosure, will be made available for public review at 575 Administration Drive Room 100‐A, Santa Rosa, CA, during normal business hours.
Disabled Accommodations
The DCVCAC will make reasonable accommodations for persons having special needs due to disabilities. Please contact at least 72 hours prior to the meeting to ensure the necessary accommodations are made.
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